Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Prayer Meeting

Very happy tonight... three Edenites showed up at Prayer Meeting.

Why is it so hard? Why are Elysse and Elliot the only children there? What is happening to our passion (or obedience) for prayer? Am I too old fashion...and think that prayer needs to happen corporately... at a church??

Sunday, September 24, 2017

"Deck the halls..."

Officially 3 months until Christmas arrives... and already, we're listening to the Christmas Carol CD.  3 full months of this.... Tis the season???  Already???

Friday, September 22, 2017

Money in your Pockets - Pt 3 (Penny Wise Dollar Foolish)

A new series on this blog called "Money in your Pockets" where I give financial advice.  Not because I'm qualified, nor I'm an expert, nor am I correct in my assumptions. Just random thoughts I heard people share or ideas I came up with...

About 4 years ago... we bought NN a bed which we thought would last her until she moves out for college.  We searched high and low... and found a deal that fit our wallets.  She has 10 years before leaving for college... and we've just forked over another several hundred bucks for a mattress.  This time, we paid for the premium.
When it comes to things like beds, sofas, fridge.... spend a little more, and get a little more.  Otherwise, you'll be spending a whole lot more to get a whole lot less.  

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Crazy Love...

Weeks of planning culminated this week with the launch of a new Sunday School this past Sunday.

I've been inspired and encouraged by the other folks in CS that have started and maintained Sunday School in their demographics.  C&C, Faith, the elderly..... It would be sinful and blasphemous if we did not, at least attempt, to hop on the bandwagon.

The weeks of half-assed planning finally came together.  Teacher after teacher dropped out... I was left holding the keys to the kingdom, so to speak.  Sam came in and asked, "You're teaching Sunday School??"  To which I responded, "I dare not teach you guys... I'm merely facilitating."   And thankfully so.... cuz other than a pastor or elder... who can possibly teach this bunch?

The weeks of creating a "Children's Curriculum" in parallel with Adult Sunday School. The final stages of planning... leading up to a chaotic, yet rhythmic functional bunch.  And the outcome, as I stepped into the Children's classrom.... smiles and laughter.

What is it are we trying to do here????  It all boils down to one simple fact..... to LOVE JESUS.

The adult Sunday school class, on average, have come to know Christ for over 15 years.  15 years!!!!  And as divine intervention takes place... we walk across Francis Chan's "Crazy Love."

My personal goal of this quarter's Sunday School isn't that they take home any knowledge.... it isn't that they feel "holy" about themselves for spending an extra hour in church.   What I hope that everyone will gain is....

1)  that the can love Jesus... like they loved Him when they first accepted Him
2) that they realize.... it's not what church can offer THEM... but what they can offer the CHURCH

And simply attending Sunday School and encouraging their friends to already more than they realize they've accomplished.

Oh btw.... on this day of launching Crazy Love.... I celebrate my 12 year Wedding Anniversary of being crazily in love with the love of my life.  Dang.... I love her so much.  I wish I can say, do, tell her MORE of how much I love her.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Brood of Vipers

Mission Conference speaker asked us, "If Jesus comes back tomorrow, will He stop by and visit our church?  No... Jesus will go to where the sinners and sick... and neglected are."

My thoughts:
Jesus will surely come to our church.  Not only did Jesus spend time with sinners and the needy.. he certainly spent time reprimanding the Scribes, the Pharisees, the church leaders.  Those who grew up in a church... who knows the scripture well... who are outwardly Christians.  Hurtfully, I think we're the modern day hypocrites... we're the modern day brood of vipers.  
"Will Jesus stop by and visit our church?"  Yes.... but for the wrong reasons.

Friday, September 08, 2017

Money in your Pockets - Part II (Free is not always good)

A new series on this blog called "Money in your Pockets" where I give financial advice.  Not because I'm qualified, nor I'm an expert, nor am I correct in my assumptions. Just random thoughts I heard people share or ideas I came up with...

The best things in life are free... except when it costs something.
A particular wholesale warehouse has a very good service where they offer lifetime warranty on tires... but only if you schedule periodic rotation and balance.  The service is free... which is great!! Except... I've been sitting here at the warehouse for the past two hours.  Why?? Cuz the service is not just free for me... but free for all other members.  Pay the $25 and get it done in 10 minutes at a local tire shop.  

Monday, September 04, 2017

New car

Bought our third car as a married couple.  Once again, we stayed with what we know best, a Honda.

I really wanted a Subaru Outback.  It's sleek, it's nice, it's safe, it's what you see EVERYWHERE you go.  Which means, the whole world is buying it.  So it's gotta be nice.

But in the end, it came down to principles and my cheapness.  I walked out of a dealer this morning... to get a bunch of texts and phone calls.  But ended up spending $5000 less on a barebone CR-V vs an Outback that's almost fully loaded.

For the first time... I drove a new car off the driveway.  Only to find out, when I got home, there is a broken bracket on the floor of the trunk.  Ugh.....

Going through buyer's remorse right now.

Sunday, September 03, 2017

When a vacation, is not a vacation...

After a week of being on the East Coast... it's so nice to be home, even if I'm coming home to 100+ degree weather. We were dreading, almost regretting booking this trip.

The top 5 and bottom 5 of this trip.

5 reasons I will never go back to NYC:

  1. Traffic - we rented a car to drive from NYC to DC and back.  Traffic was sooooo frustrating.  It really makes Bay Area traffic look like a walk in the park.
  2. That one Lyft driver - for the most part, Uber and Lyft did their job.  But that one driver who took us to the airport on our way home.  He stopped for gas. He charged us for that time.  He never drove more than 55 mph.  Even the big rigs were passing us.  He really milked his $92.  
  3. Momofuku - supposedly one of the best restaurants in DC.  After much anticipation... I can only describe the experience as OVERRATED.  Sorry.
  4. Packing - there's an art and science to packing your bags.  Some people have it, some people don't.  I'll leave it at that.
  5. B of A - we waited over 2 hours to get my name taken off of big bro's joint account.  And it nearly didn't happen cuz of a bunch of imbeciles

I try not to get bogged down by the negatives... here's some positives:

  1. Seeing the Statue of Liberty with my family and dad.... last time I went on a vacation with dad was almost 10 years ago.  This was something special.  What made it more special.... dad went to Sunday Service with us.  Amazing....
  2. Family time.  Had a good 2 hours with big bro one night... chatting over a bear and whiskey. While we were waiting at B of A... found out the kids were getting along very well with Eason.  And I had some great one on one time with Clark.  Priceless...
  3. The DC tour - Each of us had our moments.  NN loved the First Ladies Exhibit at the American History Museum.  SW stood in front of the National Boy Scout Memorial in his Cub Scout uniform and did a salute.  And as much as I revere the Supreme Court.  As much as I'm astonished by the US Capitol.  As much as I adore the Lincoln Memorial.  And as much as I opposed of the resident in the White House... being inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave truly takes on a whole new meaning.  Touching... 
  4. A hot date with an old friend - while the kids took a nice nap after two days of walking and jet lag... I was able to catch up with a dear friend of mine and had tea and scone.  Cherishing... 
  5. Family time.  This one makes it on the list twice.  This trip wasn't a vacation... it was all about being with family.  We had a family dinner on Saturday night (the night we landed).  And one on Sunday night, where our cousins drove 2 hours to meet up with us.  Both nights... we talked, laughed, broke bread.... and fulfilled dad's dream of being all together, at the same time, same place, no hidden agendas... but to enjoy one another's company. 
It's nice to be home.  It's nice to have the technology to turn on our AC once the plane landed, so we come home to a cool house.  It's nice to return to SJCAC and worship with our family.  There's no place like home...