Sunday, September 17, 2017

Crazy Love...

Weeks of planning culminated this week with the launch of a new Sunday School this past Sunday.

I've been inspired and encouraged by the other folks in CS that have started and maintained Sunday School in their demographics.  C&C, Faith, the elderly..... It would be sinful and blasphemous if we did not, at least attempt, to hop on the bandwagon.

The weeks of half-assed planning finally came together.  Teacher after teacher dropped out... I was left holding the keys to the kingdom, so to speak.  Sam came in and asked, "You're teaching Sunday School??"  To which I responded, "I dare not teach you guys... I'm merely facilitating."   And thankfully so.... cuz other than a pastor or elder... who can possibly teach this bunch?

The weeks of creating a "Children's Curriculum" in parallel with Adult Sunday School. The final stages of planning... leading up to a chaotic, yet rhythmic functional bunch.  And the outcome, as I stepped into the Children's classrom.... smiles and laughter.

What is it are we trying to do here????  It all boils down to one simple fact..... to LOVE JESUS.

The adult Sunday school class, on average, have come to know Christ for over 15 years.  15 years!!!!  And as divine intervention takes place... we walk across Francis Chan's "Crazy Love."

My personal goal of this quarter's Sunday School isn't that they take home any knowledge.... it isn't that they feel "holy" about themselves for spending an extra hour in church.   What I hope that everyone will gain is....

1)  that the can love Jesus... like they loved Him when they first accepted Him
2) that they realize.... it's not what church can offer THEM... but what they can offer the CHURCH

And simply attending Sunday School and encouraging their friends to already more than they realize they've accomplished.

Oh btw.... on this day of launching Crazy Love.... I celebrate my 12 year Wedding Anniversary of being crazily in love with the love of my life.  Dang.... I love her so much.  I wish I can say, do, tell her MORE of how much I love her.

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