Sunday, September 03, 2017

When a vacation, is not a vacation...

After a week of being on the East Coast... it's so nice to be home, even if I'm coming home to 100+ degree weather. We were dreading, almost regretting booking this trip.

The top 5 and bottom 5 of this trip.

5 reasons I will never go back to NYC:

  1. Traffic - we rented a car to drive from NYC to DC and back.  Traffic was sooooo frustrating.  It really makes Bay Area traffic look like a walk in the park.
  2. That one Lyft driver - for the most part, Uber and Lyft did their job.  But that one driver who took us to the airport on our way home.  He stopped for gas. He charged us for that time.  He never drove more than 55 mph.  Even the big rigs were passing us.  He really milked his $92.  
  3. Momofuku - supposedly one of the best restaurants in DC.  After much anticipation... I can only describe the experience as OVERRATED.  Sorry.
  4. Packing - there's an art and science to packing your bags.  Some people have it, some people don't.  I'll leave it at that.
  5. B of A - we waited over 2 hours to get my name taken off of big bro's joint account.  And it nearly didn't happen cuz of a bunch of imbeciles

I try not to get bogged down by the negatives... here's some positives:

  1. Seeing the Statue of Liberty with my family and dad.... last time I went on a vacation with dad was almost 10 years ago.  This was something special.  What made it more special.... dad went to Sunday Service with us.  Amazing....
  2. Family time.  Had a good 2 hours with big bro one night... chatting over a bear and whiskey. While we were waiting at B of A... found out the kids were getting along very well with Eason.  And I had some great one on one time with Clark.  Priceless...
  3. The DC tour - Each of us had our moments.  NN loved the First Ladies Exhibit at the American History Museum.  SW stood in front of the National Boy Scout Memorial in his Cub Scout uniform and did a salute.  And as much as I revere the Supreme Court.  As much as I'm astonished by the US Capitol.  As much as I adore the Lincoln Memorial.  And as much as I opposed of the resident in the White House... being inside 1600 Pennsylvania Ave truly takes on a whole new meaning.  Touching... 
  4. A hot date with an old friend - while the kids took a nice nap after two days of walking and jet lag... I was able to catch up with a dear friend of mine and had tea and scone.  Cherishing... 
  5. Family time.  This one makes it on the list twice.  This trip wasn't a vacation... it was all about being with family.  We had a family dinner on Saturday night (the night we landed).  And one on Sunday night, where our cousins drove 2 hours to meet up with us.  Both nights... we talked, laughed, broke bread.... and fulfilled dad's dream of being all together, at the same time, same place, no hidden agendas... but to enjoy one another's company. 
It's nice to be home.  It's nice to have the technology to turn on our AC once the plane landed, so we come home to a cool house.  It's nice to return to SJCAC and worship with our family.  There's no place like home... 

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