Friday, December 20, 2019

42 years in the making

And 42 years later... the Skywalker Saga ends.

My initial reactions: 3.5 out of 5 Stars.

It wasn't good. It really wasn't.  JJ Abrams is suppose to be all that and a bag of chips.  Bullsh*t.  So many things that could've been done better.  Simple things.

Ppl flocked to End Games over and over again to complete the Avengers saga, or Harry Potter, or even Frozen.  But Star Wars???  They're overdependent on the original trilogy to sell tickets for this one.  And if I step off the pyramid of pride for a second... and worry only on the story alone... this movie isn't good enough to sell tickets on story alone.

My heart sinks on how my beloved Star Wars end this way.  Plot holes? Closed.  But as my buddy at work asked, "Is your cup full or empty?"  My answer... "My cup is full.  That cup is a beer mug... but it's full of Bud Light."

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