Sunday, December 15, 2019


Pastor Ted knew it... he knew I was gonna get choked up.  On stage.  In front of everyone.  But he did it anyways.  I've heard his testimony a thousand times.  And on the thousand and first time... it still tore me apart.  I was a mess that entire morning.  Then when my emotions finally settled down...

The Niners blew it.  I got so pissed.  To a point where even when my kids came to console me and hug me... I sent them away.  To a point where... I had to take a walk outside... only to punch a wooden column and bruise my knuckles.  So stupid of me.

And yet.. .that's who I am.  I hate it sometimes, how I literally where my emotions on my sleeves.  I wish I can be more stoic sometimes.  Wish I didn't have that big of a heart.

Oh.... to feel.

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