Sunday, December 01, 2019

A Mother's Sacrifice

Hanging out with SIL... she narrates her adventures of hunting down a Christmas tree with the kids in the rain, hauling it back into the house by herself and oh btw... the kids also wanted to pick up a reindeer made out of firewood.  Why? Cuz it looks nice.  She rolls her eyes a bit... and it brings back a montage of memories...

One of my first (and only memory) of kindergarten was the Christmas Performance.  We dressed as soldiers - apparently toy soldiers - to fit into the story.  To this day I have no idea what the Performance was about.  Except, when I showed up in the dressing room, all my friends had a GI-JOE helmet on and they all had guns.  Well... we didn't know we can bring guns to a church.  When mom saw that everyone had it... she dropped me off, ran back home from SSPP to get it.  That wasn't a short walk, even if mom was in her mid to late 30's.  But she came back in time... so her son won't be the odd boy out.  

Flash forward a couple of years and I can still see mom and her two boys in the streets of Chinatown, trying to haul a fake Christmas tree up 10 city blocks in hilly San Francisco.  She somehow busted out with a little pocket knife to carve little triangular holes so we can grab onto the box.  I have no reference to the weight of the thing, but it mustn't be light.  Nor were the 3 of us mightily strong.  But at the end... we hauled the darn thing up 1090, just like SIL hauled it into her house.

After telling these stories, I said to SIL, "Many years from now... your kids will remember all that you've done to make their Christmas, just a little more Christmassy."

And with that... a bah-hum bug to you shopping season!! 

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