Sunday, November 28, 2021

Annual Thanksgiving Service

Since who knows when... PAL uses Thanksgiving as a means of skipping out of preaching.  Rather, he has people come out to give a testimony on God's faithfulness.  This year wasn't different.  

Of all the heart warming, gut-wrenching sharings - the two that stood out (other than Mrs. Yu) was the simple testimony Sean gave.  He openly said he doesn't have anything dramatic.  But the simple act of driving on the freeways accident free and going to pick up his son from day care where Lucas opens his arms to hug him is truly a blessing and thanksgiving worthy. So pure, so real.

The other one was Stanley sharing his trials with one of his daughters where they were engaged in a shouting match to a point where they had to close the windows to not scare the neighbors. And it ended up with a prophetic prayer that forgave his daughter... and him.  He once again experienced God's redemption.  

Praise God for a wonderful, wonderful church family. 

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