Thursday, November 04, 2021

Squid Game

 I fell for the fad... the trend... the constant mentions on Twitter about the hottest streaming series on Netflix - Squid Game.  An 9 episode Korean Drama about a mysterious host that invite hopeless scumbags of society to take part in childhood games where the winner can win lots and lots of money.  The price to pay if you lose... your life. 

Ever since Lord of the Flies... and that haunting Japanese Manga... I stay away from these types of dystopian storylines.  Partially because it's so real.  When it comes to life and death... humankind loses all sense of "humanity."  Case in point... after watching the 2nd episode (right before bed, mind you), I had nightmares all night!!  Not for the faint heart... not for one who has a naive, utopian outlook on life.  But I muscled through it... including that one episode with the strobe light that easily could've triggered seizure attacks.

After finishing the 9th episode... I got on a Zoom call with Geoff and Nita to discuss the show.  Front Man, Suit Guy, the Babe, Snake Eyes.... we gave names to all the characters. LOL.  We got down to the penultimate question... "If it was down to me and Joyce (Nita and Brandon...), what would we do?"  Then the ultimate question.... "If it was down to the three of us... what would we do??"  

I slept like a baby that night. 

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