Friday, November 12, 2021


 龍 - is the trademark of China and Chinese.  We are self proclaimed 龍的傳人.  In Chinese mythology and fairytales, everyone adores and nothing stops it when the dragon comes out.  Not a T-rex... not godzilla... not the European dragons with wings.  But it's the 八不是。  It's not a horse... it's not a deer... it's not a fish... it's not a snake... it's not a goat.... it's not a tiger.... it's not any one thing, but it's a combination, or totem of many creatures that were idolized.  And in my recollection... in all the movies I've seen... we've failed at all the animation, CGI of this mythological creature.... until Shang-Chi.  It took a US company to properly and most closely bring alive this creature.  

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