Sunday, July 31, 2022

CS Picnic 2022

That was actually quite easy... low stress... low expectations.  Pretty good turnout.  Overall... a huge success.  I loved not charging money... and I loved that we covered parking.  Some highlights from the picnic... 

  • Everybody pulled their punches... Food team, game team, task force, church office.  It's so seamless.  Everyone knows what to do without a lot of pushing or prodding.  
  • Grace Fellowship - my goodness.  They worked so hard but were so united.  I was at church on Saturday and there were so many of them there... including new friends... cutting up sooooo many fruit to make fruit salad.  Then on Sunday they transported the food.  Cooked the food.  At the end, they packed and cleaned...  Until the very last pot was washed and dried late on Sunday afternoon.  I had so much fun hanging out with them.  
  • I casually called the event "SJCAC Family Picnic" and that's what I turned out to be!! One of the biggest shocker was all the college kids coming back home for the summer.  And for one reason or another... a bunch of them decided to show up this same weekend.  I was looking at their masked faces and thinking, "I know this kid!"  
  • As we wrapped up the event... Miranda finally got to church and wanted to help.  And I said... "搞掂晒." But what about this... "搞掂喇."  But what about that... "搞掂喇."  "搞掂晒??" "Yes... 搞掂晒."

Saturday, July 30, 2022


Joyce had enuf... she was sick of me cutting my own hair.  The past 2 years of SIP was acceptable... but with businesses reopening... she demanded I go get it professionally done.  $15.... $20 with tip.  And.... it's noticeably very different.  Unless it's a crew cut... you really can't fake it.  $20 well spent. 

Thursday, July 28, 2022


The day finally arrived.... SW finally reached 54" (give or take ((with shoes))).  This is a major milestone... cuz he finally got to ride Flight Deck (aka Top Gun) and Patriot (formerly Vortex) at Great America.  

I honestly think that 54" has margin buried in there.  And the high schoolers working are told, "If they're within an inch or so... let them through."  

This makes the Great America Season Pass.... sooooo worth it.  And oh btw... I more than made my money back on the "All You Can Drink" soda bottle.  BOOM!! 

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Low hanging urinals

Pet Peeve #53

Low hanging urinals while wearing shorts.... the splash effect!! 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Accompanied 小嫻 to her housing interview... only to find out the Leasing Company wanting both sheets 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 for her bank statement.  Ended up driving to the bank with her... and while we're there... decided to set up Online banking for her.  I asked a few questions to the teller... and right away... I was hit with a barrage of questions. Then the teller started talking to 小嫻 as if I'm not there. "Ma'am... you gotta be careful.  Don't share your sensitive information with anyone. You need to learn how to use these things yourself."  The teller was obviously wary of me being a predator... preying on defenseless elderly woman and trying to con them out of their life savings. 

I stood there... dumbfounded.  Wasn't even able to come up with any snarky comebacks when I was quizzed which church we went to.  I shoulda invited her to church... just like she invited me to bank with them. 小嫻 didn't think anything of it... and she ignored all the warnings.  But I had to hand it to the teller... she was totally doing her job.  I'm sure this isn't the first time she saw a good-looking, well dressed, well mannered man.... "helping" someone.  Only to end up disappearing and leaving the banking customers in shambles.  

Sigh...all this... for a simple good deed.  

At night... while putting NN to bed... she asks me, "Why do you always end up helping the elderly?" I said, "If I don't help... who will? I gotta do what I can." And NN says, "But it drains you.  Takes so much outta you."  She's not wrong.  But... am I suppose to let them see this side of me? 

Passion vs Obedience.  I don't love what I'm doing. But I love Jesus.  And if what I'm doing is out of love for Jesus... I guess I am passionate.  Or am I....? 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

For the gram

Was at happy hour with my team... which includes a bunch of millennial.  And they were teaching me some of the millennial-sayings. Most notably... "For the gram!" Which means..  doing something noteworthy that you can post on social media for others to notice.

I tried to use that term with NN and SW... but forgot it.  Ended up emailing them for a reminder.  "YAS!! Do it for the gram. Get into it Hank!"

Sheesh... kids!

Tuesday, July 19, 2022


 是日晚餐,鹹魚仔。飯都食多碗。 #BlastFromThePast #ComfortFood #阿媽煮嘅餸

Saturday, July 16, 2022


Fewer pains can compare to a parent being at their own child's funeral.  And today... one of our family members held a memorial service for their 21 year old baby.

Matthew... or 信信, as he was better known.

I didn't know him well.  His parents weren't exactly in my circle of friends.  He went through Children's Ministry a little before I started serving.  And for some reason or another... he flew under the radar.  Matthew was Roy and Joyce's ring bearer... partially because Carisa was Joyce's "mentor."  But aside from that... I really didn't notice him.

Several memories do stand out though... 

The first one must've occurred 10-15 years ago.  I was pretty new to church and one Wednesday night, I found myself serving at Kids Prayer Club.  That night, we shared with the kids the origins of Halloween... and why we choose not to celebrate it.  We proceeded to make salvation bracelets and then Auntie Kin and I took turns blessing each of the children.  I didn't think much of it... until Auntie Kin forwarded me an email from a parent who commented, "I don't know who led KPC last night... but it really made a breakthrough  He's made salvation bracelets before, but after KPC, he was committed to not celebrate Halloween."  Auntie Kin told me... this is why we do, what we do.  That parent... was Matthew's dad.

Flash forward 10-15 years... and I'm organizing church's Chinese New Year celebration.  We held a carnival at church, with Night Market, Bounce House, carnival game and prizes... and a craft booth where you make butterflies out of red envelopes.  I was asking for volunteers to help lead that booth... and no one signed up.  No one... until Matthew showed up to help.  I looked at him for a good 3 seconds thinking... wow.... this teenager is willing to do a crafts booth?!?!?

At the memorial service today... the most moving speech was definitely when Samantha, his older sister, shared her memories about him.  About their fights.  Their sneaking around for snacks.  Their bike rides at the crack of dawn.  Their moments of sitting and not having to talk.  Ohhhh... how I wish I had a bigger sister that looked out for me.

At the end of the memorial service... we had a chance to survey Matthew's portfolio.  He had some amazing drawing, sketches and projects.  In particular... was a painting of a couple in front of Notre Dame that he painted as a birthday present.  And the other... was a plastic bin of Beyblades. I almost lost it.... 

Matthew Edison Lau.  you are now in the bosom of our Lord and Savior.  Your time on earth was difficult.  It was hard.  But... you left in indelible mark in all of us.  Till we meet again.... 

Friday, July 08, 2022

Get my money's worth…

One of the happiest moments in my life... was getting an All You Can Drink coffee mug at Great Wolf Lodge.  And in those 3 days... I drank to my blood was full of coffee.  But I got my money's worth!! And for this... I will get my money's worth too!! 

Monday, July 04, 2022

Top Gun: Maverick

First time since... forever... I took mom to a movie after brunch at Mel's.  We've taken her to watch animated features with the kids... especially on Christmas Day when there's nothing to do. This time... we picked a PG-13 movie.  But it's the perfect one.  Mom's criteria for movies... 冇色情.冇暴力. I use to "tsk-tsk" her for saying that.  But at my age... I agree. I just want a feel good movie that offers a few laughs. 

Mom loved it.  She was giddy about the new seats with the lazy-boy settings.  During the commercials and previews... she said, "The silver screen is very different." (compared to her iPad or 21" monitor). At the end of the movie... she gave her Roger Ebert stamp of approval "好睇."  

Sunday, July 03, 2022

The Spectrum

Kicked off my annual Missions trip... a stint in Children's Ministry serving Kids Church.  I say Missions trip because this is totally against my nature. It's against my being. But I do it out of obedience... not out of passion. 

Of particular... was one child whose mom stuck with him.  Immediately.. I knew he was of special needs.  His mom had a little fidget device to help him focus (or distract).  Every now and then... he'll have random outbursts. His mom will use mechanisms like "On 3, you'll sit down... 3...2....1...." She stuck by him for the entire hour.  Always working. Always on edge. Always... always, always, always.

Toward the end of Kids Church, she came up to me... (for whatever reason) and said, her son is on the spectrum.  10 years ago... no one would've known what that meant.  How far we've come.  

I did not judge her. I did not judge her son. I simply smiled behind my mask and nodded.  She didn't need to explain or ask for a pardon.  It's all understood. 

And then... my Missions trip got bigger.  I told her... "Mom... how about next week... you leave your son to me.  I will watch him and take care of him.  You go to worship and enjoy the Lord's presence."  

She was so happy. So ecstatic.  She said... "If he's bad, tell him you'll call momma and we'll go home.  I'll give you the fidget device. I'll give you other tools to use." 

And I said, "Mom... it'll be alright.  Your son... will be alright."  

To which... I believe she had a smile behind her mask. 

(to be continued)

Saturday, July 02, 2022


After two measly drum lessons... Chris invited me to take part in CS Worship practice.  I had a great time sitting there observing and learning.  Then at the very last moment... Chris wanted to do one more song... but me on the drums.  I was appalled. Taken aback. I have zero training. I only have 2 lessons under my belt. I can barely play the most basic of drum patterns.  I started with a shake... then accepted the invitation.  

That's what it's all about. To be in a family where they won't judge me. To be in the midst of experts who will mentor me. To be part of a worship team... who's sole purpose is to worship Him.