Sunday, July 03, 2022

The Spectrum

Kicked off my annual Missions trip... a stint in Children's Ministry serving Kids Church.  I say Missions trip because this is totally against my nature. It's against my being. But I do it out of obedience... not out of passion. 

Of particular... was one child whose mom stuck with him.  Immediately.. I knew he was of special needs.  His mom had a little fidget device to help him focus (or distract).  Every now and then... he'll have random outbursts. His mom will use mechanisms like "On 3, you'll sit down... 3...2....1...." She stuck by him for the entire hour.  Always working. Always on edge. Always... always, always, always.

Toward the end of Kids Church, she came up to me... (for whatever reason) and said, her son is on the spectrum.  10 years ago... no one would've known what that meant.  How far we've come.  

I did not judge her. I did not judge her son. I simply smiled behind my mask and nodded.  She didn't need to explain or ask for a pardon.  It's all understood. 

And then... my Missions trip got bigger.  I told her... "Mom... how about next week... you leave your son to me.  I will watch him and take care of him.  You go to worship and enjoy the Lord's presence."  

She was so happy. So ecstatic.  She said... "If he's bad, tell him you'll call momma and we'll go home.  I'll give you the fidget device. I'll give you other tools to use." 

And I said, "Mom... it'll be alright.  Your son... will be alright."  

To which... I believe she had a smile behind her mask. 

(to be continued)

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