Tuesday, July 26, 2022


Accompanied 小嫻 to her housing interview... only to find out the Leasing Company wanting both sheets 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 for her bank statement.  Ended up driving to the bank with her... and while we're there... decided to set up Online banking for her.  I asked a few questions to the teller... and right away... I was hit with a barrage of questions. Then the teller started talking to 小嫻 as if I'm not there. "Ma'am... you gotta be careful.  Don't share your sensitive information with anyone. You need to learn how to use these things yourself."  The teller was obviously wary of me being a predator... preying on defenseless elderly woman and trying to con them out of their life savings. 

I stood there... dumbfounded.  Wasn't even able to come up with any snarky comebacks when I was quizzed which church we went to.  I shoulda invited her to church... just like she invited me to bank with them. 小嫻 didn't think anything of it... and she ignored all the warnings.  But I had to hand it to the teller... she was totally doing her job.  I'm sure this isn't the first time she saw a good-looking, well dressed, well mannered man.... "helping" someone.  Only to end up disappearing and leaving the banking customers in shambles.  

Sigh...all this... for a simple good deed.  

At night... while putting NN to bed... she asks me, "Why do you always end up helping the elderly?" I said, "If I don't help... who will? I gotta do what I can." And NN says, "But it drains you.  Takes so much outta you."  She's not wrong.  But... am I suppose to let them see this side of me? 

Passion vs Obedience.  I don't love what I'm doing. But I love Jesus.  And if what I'm doing is out of love for Jesus... I guess I am passionate.  Or am I....? 

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