Saturday, July 16, 2022


Fewer pains can compare to a parent being at their own child's funeral.  And today... one of our family members held a memorial service for their 21 year old baby.

Matthew... or 信信, as he was better known.

I didn't know him well.  His parents weren't exactly in my circle of friends.  He went through Children's Ministry a little before I started serving.  And for some reason or another... he flew under the radar.  Matthew was Roy and Joyce's ring bearer... partially because Carisa was Joyce's "mentor."  But aside from that... I really didn't notice him.

Several memories do stand out though... 

The first one must've occurred 10-15 years ago.  I was pretty new to church and one Wednesday night, I found myself serving at Kids Prayer Club.  That night, we shared with the kids the origins of Halloween... and why we choose not to celebrate it.  We proceeded to make salvation bracelets and then Auntie Kin and I took turns blessing each of the children.  I didn't think much of it... until Auntie Kin forwarded me an email from a parent who commented, "I don't know who led KPC last night... but it really made a breakthrough  He's made salvation bracelets before, but after KPC, he was committed to not celebrate Halloween."  Auntie Kin told me... this is why we do, what we do.  That parent... was Matthew's dad.

Flash forward 10-15 years... and I'm organizing church's Chinese New Year celebration.  We held a carnival at church, with Night Market, Bounce House, carnival game and prizes... and a craft booth where you make butterflies out of red envelopes.  I was asking for volunteers to help lead that booth... and no one signed up.  No one... until Matthew showed up to help.  I looked at him for a good 3 seconds thinking... wow.... this teenager is willing to do a crafts booth?!?!?

At the memorial service today... the most moving speech was definitely when Samantha, his older sister, shared her memories about him.  About their fights.  Their sneaking around for snacks.  Their bike rides at the crack of dawn.  Their moments of sitting and not having to talk.  Ohhhh... how I wish I had a bigger sister that looked out for me.

At the end of the memorial service... we had a chance to survey Matthew's portfolio.  He had some amazing drawing, sketches and projects.  In particular... was a painting of a couple in front of Notre Dame that he painted as a birthday present.  And the other... was a plastic bin of Beyblades. I almost lost it.... 

Matthew Edison Lau.  you are now in the bosom of our Lord and Savior.  Your time on earth was difficult.  It was hard.  But... you left in indelible mark in all of us.  Till we meet again.... 

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