Sunday, July 31, 2022

CS Picnic 2022

That was actually quite easy... low stress... low expectations.  Pretty good turnout.  Overall... a huge success.  I loved not charging money... and I loved that we covered parking.  Some highlights from the picnic... 

  • Everybody pulled their punches... Food team, game team, task force, church office.  It's so seamless.  Everyone knows what to do without a lot of pushing or prodding.  
  • Grace Fellowship - my goodness.  They worked so hard but were so united.  I was at church on Saturday and there were so many of them there... including new friends... cutting up sooooo many fruit to make fruit salad.  Then on Sunday they transported the food.  Cooked the food.  At the end, they packed and cleaned...  Until the very last pot was washed and dried late on Sunday afternoon.  I had so much fun hanging out with them.  
  • I casually called the event "SJCAC Family Picnic" and that's what I turned out to be!! One of the biggest shocker was all the college kids coming back home for the summer.  And for one reason or another... a bunch of them decided to show up this same weekend.  I was looking at their masked faces and thinking, "I know this kid!"  
  • As we wrapped up the event... Miranda finally got to church and wanted to help.  And I said... "搞掂晒." But what about this... "搞掂喇."  But what about that... "搞掂喇."  "搞掂晒??" "Yes... 搞掂晒."

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