Sunday, April 09, 2023

9 days later...

After being separated for 9 full days... with some occasional texts and pics... two Facetime calls... and a bunch of pics from parent chaperones... NN is finally home.  

So many things I wanted to know...

What was her favorite museum? Or vista point?
What did she eat?
How was her sleeping arrangements?
Did she have enough spending money?
Was she polite to her chaperones?
Any drama between friends?

Didn't really feel like grilling her... so we just let her talk.  And through and through...she could NOT avoid, probably, the most memorable part of her trip - the Boat Dance.

Turns out... that a lot of boys built up enough courage to ask a girl out and be "exclusive partners." And yes... my NN was an object of not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 guys' pursuits!!! 

Not sure how I feel about this... still processing.

For one... she used the term, "A lot of guys want me."  Ugh... don't say that.  Not in front of me.  But I didn't dare judge.

Then she said...  "This wasn't a date... but going to a dance with a partner means I've been claimed."  Ugh... no NN... you're not an object or a piece of land.  You are not claimed. 

She also said that her teacher saw them sitting down... and immediately pointed fingers to "stay separated."  Good for the teacher!! But how close did NN and the boy get?!?!?

She even shared the boy asking, "So what is this...?" To which NN said, "This is two friends hanging out..."  I think she friend-zoned him.  Which isn't bad.... just do it smoothly.

Sigh... is this my NN's first date?? I kinda think it is. Joyce says it's not.  I think even NN admitted that it is.  In a public setting.  Under the watchful eyes of teachers and parents.  I guess it's a pill that I'm avoiding, but eventually will have to swallow.

On the flip side... NN told us that some of her friends that did not get asked admitted to "never felt so single in my life."  Hate to always have to choose between two sucker's choice.... but I guess if you look at it from that way... you would rather your child not be the one without a date.  Maybe?? I don't know...

My NNJ.... growing up way faster than I want.  13 going on 30.  I've never felt so distant from her.  I'm simply unable to keep pace anymore.  Should just be glad I can be in the audience watching... from the front row.   

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