Thursday, April 13, 2023

Spring Break

Days after NN comes back from her 9 day East Coast trip and we decided to capture the opportunity and enjoy our Spring Break by taking a quick trip down the coast to San Luis Obispo.  We love coming down here.  The kids even call it their 2nd home cuz we come down so often.   We know the food spots and there's just so much to do down here.  There was... the kids are getting older and so are we.  Our interests have vastly changed and it's not so easy finding things of interests anymore.  

This time... I really wanted to take the kids ATV-ing on the Pismo Beach Sand Dunes... which was aptly vetoed. As a compromise... we found our way to the infamous Grover Beach Sand Dunes which was adjacent to the Pismo Dunes.  Initially... I thought I got the wrong address when I drove up to an RV park.  But alas... Joyce said, "We're here... why not walk around?" And about 10 minutes from parking... we found ourselves in a scene of a lifetime.  What looked like miles and miles of sand, resembling the Sahara Desert popped up in front of us.  Hills and valleys of sand.  What started out as a brief venture... turned into an adventure... to a point where NN even said, that was the best part of this trip.  I guess... we're not that old afterall.  

But I really question... are we gonna make it here for another trip...? I highly, highly doubt it. 

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