Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Gotta fight to get it back

Siu Wah got sick last week... to a point where he missed school and missed a volleyball game.  He returned the next day... but since that fateful day... he lost his starting spot in the rotation.  I look up and down the roster... and SW is clearly and easily the 5th best player.  I saw 5th... because the 4 other boys are either in club... hit puberty... or is naturally gifted.  They all stand a head above SW.... and yet, he hangs with them with his natural abilities and amazing volleyball prowess, coached by none other than, yours truly.  He stands out.  He truly does.  

He was on the bench the last game... came in during the 2nd set.  Today's game... he again started on the bench and came in during the 2nd set.  The skill level is night and day.  I don't know how the coach doesn't see it.  Then on the 3rd and final set... she dares start two other boys over SW?!?!?!?  What is she thinking?!?!?

Sure... they started winning cuz the other team can't return a pass.  But when it came to our turn to pass... SHAAAAANNNNKKKKK!!!!   We finally got up 14-9, game point.  When the ball wedged it's way under the bleachers.  One of the TKA parent was nice enough to retrieve it... and without looking... tossed the ball back on the court!!!  Little did she know, the game restarted with another ball and we were about to win the point, the set, the match!!! All she could say was, "Sorry."  And scurried away.  

They replayed the point... and of course, we lost.  Then the opposing team starting serving.  It's ok... we still have game point.  But point...after point.... they started rallying and catching up.  Suddenly, it was 14-12.  

"Substitution!!!" said the coach.  And she finally did the right thing and subbed SW back in.  Yes yes... the guy that's leaving stands around 5'7 or 5'9.  But he's clumsy.  No skill.  And is just added weight at this point.  In comes agile and nimble SW.  She should've done it a long time ago. 

They serve.  It comes soaring over the net.  SW can't get it... so he opens up.  The backrow player gets scared.... SHAAAAAAAANNNNNKKKKK!!!  Ugh... maybe SW should've been more aggressive and taken that pass even though he was out of position.  

14-13.  One more and they tie. 

They serve.  It goes to our "best player" who passes the ball, literally, with his shoulder.  The ball flails up to the lanky boy with little sense of direction.  He desperately puts up two hands and pushes the ball up (at least it's not down), but to nowhere but the center of the court.  How's the helpful????? Well.... it's exactly where SW has been positioned all this time.  The ball climbs up the sky... it reaches the pinnacle.... takes a 180 turn and nosedives back towards the ground.  SW watches... aims... puts his two hands together ready to collide with the spherical target.  His stance is wide.  His knees are bent.  His butt is low.  He's digging deep.  The arms start swing upwards.  The ball gloriously meets SW's arms in mid air and then it soars into the thick, warm air in the TKA gym.... sailing over the net.... and heads towards the line.  Only... the energy behind the ball seems to run out like air out of a balloon.  The ball suddenly collapses on it's trajectory and belly flops straight onto the hardwood floor. "PLAAANNNKKK!"  

It's in!!!

We win!!!

SW with the final kill!!!!

Shoulda subbed him in much earlier coach... c'mon!!!! 

And now... the fight begins to win back your starter position. 

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