Thursday, June 01, 2023

Doggie Dog

What a messed up world... 

The rebuilder tried to take my US flag.  I saw it in the back of his trunk and I asked him, "Hey... isn't that mine?" And he says "Oh... I thought you didn't want it."  Dude... it was rolled up, stashed away in a corner.  He also took my roll of drawing paper!!  And he conveniently ripped off all the drawings SW did during COVID.  

The cleaners?! When they first came... they quoted us 3 - 3.5 hours.  BTW... no other cleaners came to quote.  They quote over the phone.  Then when the actual cleaners show up... 5-5.5 hours!!! WTH!??! I should've just kicked them out!!! 

Such a dog eat dog world out there. 

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