Friday, May 31, 2024

Tahoe Camping Day 1

"We got the full camping experience in 1 day." said NN.  

A full experience indeed.  We headed up to Tahoe on Friday morning and on our way... we stopped by Castro Valley and had brunch with 大恩人-嫻姨。 She dressed soooo nice... as if she's going to a wedding.   After Dim Sum, great company, great conversation... we took off for our final destination.

We skipped through the backroads and made it Tahoe.  Upon entering the campground... the ranger warned us to leave our doors unlocked.  Let the bears get in vs getting your door smashed in.  And consider keeping the doors open because if bears show up, you won't have time to fish for keys.  Just run into the car and close the doors - quick.  We thought he was joking... until we find out he wasn't. 

We got to our site.. and met the Yu's there, easily one of our closest church friends.  They helped us pitch our tent and set up camp.  Then we headed out for dinner.  We got back after dinner and it was dark already... enough for us to start our camp fire which wasn't easy at all!! All those years of watching Survivor paid off. You start with the fuse on the bottom (pine needles) with dried pine cones sitting on top to fuel the flame, and eventually, the $12 firewood we got from the general store.  A little later in the evening, our other closest church friends, the Tats, showed up.  Someone took their campsite, but thankfully, another family overbooked and gave them theirs.  We helped them set up camp and by then... the kids had their smores and it was bedtime.

Bedtime was horrible.  Our neighbors were loud.  It was cold.  It was uncomfortable.  And by the wee hours of the night... it got freezing cold, especially the head which was exposed.  Luckily, I was wearing a hoodie, so I was able to cover my head and we had a throw.  I got maybe 2-3 hours of shuteye and after falling in and out of sleep... the sky was lit up and it was too bright to sleep anymore, especially with nature's alarm clock, the bugs and birds in the wild screaming their heads off.  Time for Day 2....

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling

Was invited to be a panelist at my work's Asian American Professional Society to speak on the topic "Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling" which is coined after the book published by Jane Hyun. 

I spent a couple days thinking about what I would say... how I would say it.  There's the business environment thing to say.  There's the ethical thing to say.  There's the hot-take thing to say.  And there's also the brutal, honest truth that's hard to say... but can't be left unsaid.

Some of the brutal soundbites
  • 5000 years of civilization... there's a lot of pride... and a lot of fallouts and I quote, "as you can see with some of the geopolitical happenings"
  • It's hindered me because I was raised to put my head down, work hard, and not rock the boat... that doesn't work in modern corporate America
  • I brought attention to some of my personal heroes that's reshaped my upbringing... MLK, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson....
  • I talked about the intersection / collision of upbringing and MTV/Nickelodeon culture
  • I dropped "fearfully and wonderfully made..." to which I got a PM from an audience member - "appreciate you quoting Psalm 139:14" 
  • When asked, I admitted to shivering every time ppl mention Chinese spies... and I'm self-conscious enough to look around to see if anyone is staring at me
  • I drew on the fact that our ELT and Csuite has evolved over the last 10 years... it will continue to evolve... and the call to action is... someone in the audience needs to be the first AAPI to sit in one of those spots
And lastly.. I threw out my hot take for the day when asked specifically on how to break the bamboo ceiling.  I said, 

"Don't.  Don't break it.  The tensile strength of bamboo is greater than metal.  Instead.. navigate through it.  Remodel with it.  Use it as a stepping stone (stick?) for your next endeavor.  What I meant to say was...the ceiling is there for a purpose.  It represents your past and who you are.  Don't break or shatter it.  Embrace it. Own it. And shape it where you want to go next."

Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Started to clean up my Whatsapp chat groups by archiving every group text or individual text of people that I haven't texted... or because of my exodus... will likely not text in the near future.  One after another.  A working group.  A planning committee.  A project.  And then individuals... who outside of church... I don't think I'll ever contact.  Swipe left... swipe left... more swiping left.  Boom boom boom.... cleaned up my list of chats.  It's now so empty... but so clean!! 

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Twenty years later...

Twenty years ago... when we weren't married yet... when I still lived in a little apartment... I was invited to Anderson's baptism.  And after that... it set off 20 years at SJCAC.  20 years later... we officially move on.... 

If I were to list out my SJCAC passport:

  • baptism by water
  • baptism by Holy Spirit
  • lead bible study
  • serve in Tutoring ministry
  • serve in ESL ministry
  • serve in VBS
  • home group leader
  • home group co-parent
  • serve as usher
  • serve as communion steward
  • college outreach
  • serve in nursery
  • supermarket outreach
  • teach Children's Sunday School
  • teach Adult Sunday School
  • lead Wednesday prayer meeting
  • lead morning TWA
  • run AV during worship
  • lead worship 
  • serve on worship team
  • translate sermon on stage from English to Chinese
  • translate sermon on stage from Chinese to English
  • translate sermon over headsets
  • translate on stage for Mission Conference
  • lead people to Jesus
  • attend church retreat
  • lead and organize church retreats
  • serve as 團長
  • serve as MA
  • MC just about every major and minor event
  • move chairs and vacuum sanctuary / 擔擔抬抬
  • cooked and cleaned  
I've been Mary.  I've been Martha.  Not waiting in line to be Lazarus... 

I think the only major item I haven't checked off is serve in Youth Ministry.  Not sure why that's been so elusive.  And never gone on a Short Term Mission.  Hrmm... 

But after 20 years... after my last turn banging on the drums... it's official.  We're moving from CS and over to NV.  It's not like we're leaving SJCAC... at least I don't feel that way.  Still Christ's church.  Still Christ's family.  And then the obvious.... 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Twenty years later....?

Has it been that long??? 20 years... I think it has.  It was before the kids for sure.  And it was probably around or before the time we got married.  20 years!  Wow.... 20 years since I've put on my cleats... came to the plate... and stared down the pitcher.  20 years since I've slipped on the piece of leather and picked up a roller and shot it to first.  20 years since I've stepped foot on a diamond. 

We won my inaugural softball game... as I emerged from retirement.  Though... I never really retired.  I just took on a second career.  

Strangely enough... I felt pretty at home.  Both teams were from church.  I knew about 80% of them... or recognized them.  There were some great players.  There were some average players.  And a handful of beginners.  I didn't have a batting glove.... was wearing soccer cleats... had a $30 bat when everyone else used $150-$300 bats.  But when I came up to bat... everyone, including the OF took a few steps back.  HA!!  I'm not a power hitter... I can barely swing for contact.

I asked to play SS or 3B cuz I don't have the depth perception.  I'm not good... nor do I have the range.  But I still have one heckuva arm.  During warm ups.... had to get use to the infield bounce.  And during the game... made a couple of errors.  Most likely due to nerves.  But also made a couple of heads up plays and including that amazing backhanded snag.  

Too bad there were no lights at the field.  There's nothing like a summer evening... as the bugs are buzzing away on the pitchers mound... the wives are yapping away.... and children are giggling on the side... and world is alive with the murmurs of.... "Plaaaaaaayyyyyy baaaaaallllllllll." 

Gonna feel it tomorrow.  Over strenuated in all sorts of ways.  But pain never felt so good. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Regional Champs

 Undefeated. Undisputed. Regional Champions.

Tropical Touch 14-1 went all season without dropping a game.  In all... we lost 3 sets.  2 of those 3 when NN wasn't around.  And the other one was when 2 of their star players were out.

In the end... we went up against the #2 team and it wasn't even challenging.  The most challenging games were against the 13 and 12th seeds where it went to 29-27 and 26-24.  But in the end... it wasn't a satisfying season.  After one practice and one game off... NN wasn't in any of the starting line ups.  Her reliable serves were off... and she was relegated to Defensive Specialist.  And the other players notably have stepped up and dominated.

We've come so far from that night when NN first made the team... and we had Taco Bell and a bottle of Coke to celebrate.  Who knew this team was gonna climb this high.. ride this far... and dominating, rolling past all their competition.

One parent came up to Coach Tati saying they want to try out for our team.  Another parent said our coaches are recruiting her.  And a third parent said she felt sorry for us.. for the regime that our coach put the players through (running laps) when things are going bad.  This was suppose to be a non-competitive, fun, growing team.  It's turned into an animal that's the envy of the Bay Area.

In the ned... when the coach invited the team to practice on Mother's Day afternoon... NN came up to be and said she "wanted to go." Go to practice? No... go home.  She was done.  She was drained.  She had homework to do.  

Today... we held our heads high as champions. What a wonderful feeling.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Dance Showcase 2024

 NN's annual dance showcase is upon us. An entire year's of hardwork and dedication for the TKA Dance Classes culminates with 3 shows on Friday and Saturday.  It's also the once or twice in a year where I get mom and dad together to have a meal together... in the name of their grand daughter... and so I can drive them out to SF just once.

Mom just came back from her epic Seattle bus tour... which is amazing on its own.  And dad is always flexible enough to come in at any time... any hour.  

Picking them up for dinner was... strategic.  Ended the 3:30 show.  Picked dad up.  Drove to San Jose 99.  Had dinner at Venus Cafe while mom showed up from her vacation.  We sat down...broke bread... and chatted.  Almost like a family, but not quite.  Mom and dad aren't friends, but they are friendly.  Afterall... they're immigrants in their 70's that are going through the aging process together.  It was an enjoyable dinner. 

Now onto the show.  The show was amazing.  Stacey Reed topped herself again with her creativity and poignancy. She hit the nail on the head with her salute to superheroes... every day heroes... and heroes in our time.  Her salute to Captain America (tap), Firefighters (modern), Military (step and clap), and Rosa Parks (ballet) was breathtaking and tear jerking.  Not as tear jerking as the Seniors Dance... and their shout out to their parents.  Over and over again... I kept thinking of the time NN said she was going to do her senior dance with me.  Father / Daughter modern dance.  And I started thinking of how I can get fit and get flexible in the next 3 years for that event.  But when she started talking about Senior Dance... she made no mention of our dance anymore.  Ah wellz.....

The drive back out to SF was less eventful.  I was tired.  It was a long day.  And it's always awkward.  I had Pandora on Canto Pop that filled in the silence.  And occasionally... I would humor dad and his off the cuff questions and comments.

At 11PM... I got home.  To a kitchen full of flowers.  I dug the vases out of the garage and put them in water.  So that's how a celebrity feels.... to have a room full of flowers.  My Nui Nui Ju.  So proud of you. 

Sunday, May 05, 2024


 For the 3rd time in 2.5 years....we had to move.  This time, because our landlord wanted to sell.  Instead of moving.. we offered to buy the house off-market, but we couldn't come to an agreement on price.

So from the end of March to mid-April... we shopped and looked at a dozen houses.  We found a place that we loved... but in the end... the landlord wasn't open to installing an EV charger and that broke the deal.  Eventually... we found a town house with a swimming pool. And within a month... we scheduled a wholesale move. 

The move was smooth. Packing was a lot less laborious than last time and I found the same movers as last time. 80+ boxes... 3 full beds... all the furniture... and over 16,000 steps later... we moved into our new home.

Home isn't a place... (like Asgard), it's where the family is.  We're now housed in a much smaller house... but it doesn't matter.  As long as we've got each other... we can and will make it work.  

On moving day... they had to move our piano.  Which they dubbed "the beast." I was legitmately worried.  Joyce didn't want to be in the same zip code when it happened.  These Russian / Mexicans could not hold a lick to our Chinese movers from back in 2017 when we moved to remodel.  And the owner's wife got us Matcha Lattes.  When all was said and done...we had a roof over our heads and beds beneath our backs.  That's all that matters.

A new chapter begins.... 

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Did not get a rose

 SW went to a club volleyball summer league tryout today... and he did not get a rose.  His two friends from Titan did.  One even had to turn it down because he'll be vacationing during the summer.  I wasn't there but SW was very disappointed.  Joyce is kicking herself for not enrolling him with this club for Winter League... as it seems those who have rapport with the coaches will get in.

I didn't add any commentary.  Just told Joyce... to tell SW.... Kobe Bryant once got shafted from tryouts.  That offseason... he worked harder than he's ever worked.  Refined every skill he can think of.  And along the way... grew a whopping 6 inches.  And he never looked back. 小小苦楚等於激勵.  May this little speed bump be an opportunity for SW to fail forward.