Friday, May 10, 2024

Dance Showcase 2024

 NN's annual dance showcase is upon us. An entire year's of hardwork and dedication for the TKA Dance Classes culminates with 3 shows on Friday and Saturday.  It's also the once or twice in a year where I get mom and dad together to have a meal together... in the name of their grand daughter... and so I can drive them out to SF just once.

Mom just came back from her epic Seattle bus tour... which is amazing on its own.  And dad is always flexible enough to come in at any time... any hour.  

Picking them up for dinner was... strategic.  Ended the 3:30 show.  Picked dad up.  Drove to San Jose 99.  Had dinner at Venus Cafe while mom showed up from her vacation.  We sat down...broke bread... and chatted.  Almost like a family, but not quite.  Mom and dad aren't friends, but they are friendly.  Afterall... they're immigrants in their 70's that are going through the aging process together.  It was an enjoyable dinner. 

Now onto the show.  The show was amazing.  Stacey Reed topped herself again with her creativity and poignancy. She hit the nail on the head with her salute to superheroes... every day heroes... and heroes in our time.  Her salute to Captain America (tap), Firefighters (modern), Military (step and clap), and Rosa Parks (ballet) was breathtaking and tear jerking.  Not as tear jerking as the Seniors Dance... and their shout out to their parents.  Over and over again... I kept thinking of the time NN said she was going to do her senior dance with me.  Father / Daughter modern dance.  And I started thinking of how I can get fit and get flexible in the next 3 years for that event.  But when she started talking about Senior Dance... she made no mention of our dance anymore.  Ah wellz.....

The drive back out to SF was less eventful.  I was tired.  It was a long day.  And it's always awkward.  I had Pandora on Canto Pop that filled in the silence.  And occasionally... I would humor dad and his off the cuff questions and comments.

At 11PM... I got home.  To a kitchen full of flowers.  I dug the vases out of the garage and put them in water.  So that's how a celebrity feels.... to have a room full of flowers.  My Nui Nui Ju.  So proud of you. 

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