Sunday, May 05, 2024


 For the 3rd time in 2.5 years....we had to move.  This time, because our landlord wanted to sell.  Instead of moving.. we offered to buy the house off-market, but we couldn't come to an agreement on price.

So from the end of March to mid-April... we shopped and looked at a dozen houses.  We found a place that we loved... but in the end... the landlord wasn't open to installing an EV charger and that broke the deal.  Eventually... we found a town house with a swimming pool. And within a month... we scheduled a wholesale move. 

The move was smooth. Packing was a lot less laborious than last time and I found the same movers as last time. 80+ boxes... 3 full beds... all the furniture... and over 16,000 steps later... we moved into our new home.

Home isn't a place... (like Asgard), it's where the family is.  We're now housed in a much smaller house... but it doesn't matter.  As long as we've got each other... we can and will make it work.  

On moving day... they had to move our piano.  Which they dubbed "the beast." I was legitmately worried.  Joyce didn't want to be in the same zip code when it happened.  These Russian / Mexicans could not hold a lick to our Chinese movers from back in 2017 when we moved to remodel.  And the owner's wife got us Matcha Lattes.  When all was said and done...we had a roof over our heads and beds beneath our backs.  That's all that matters.

A new chapter begins.... 

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