Saturday, May 04, 2024

Did not get a rose

 SW went to a club volleyball summer league tryout today... and he did not get a rose.  His two friends from Titan did.  One even had to turn it down because he'll be vacationing during the summer.  I wasn't there but SW was very disappointed.  Joyce is kicking herself for not enrolling him with this club for Winter League... as it seems those who have rapport with the coaches will get in.

I didn't add any commentary.  Just told Joyce... to tell SW.... Kobe Bryant once got shafted from tryouts.  That offseason... he worked harder than he's ever worked.  Refined every skill he can think of.  And along the way... grew a whopping 6 inches.  And he never looked back. 小小苦楚等於激勵.  May this little speed bump be an opportunity for SW to fail forward.  

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