Thursday, December 07, 2006

A cup of coffee...

I love coffee. I've always been fascinated, if not mesmerized by this bittersweet nectar. Not just as a beverage, but the very site of coffee beans and the scent of the forebearing fruit momentarily removes me from the troubles and worries of life to a definite comfort level. So many times, I've tried to peel away from this elixir. But the beauty, attraction and magnificence of this one tiny bean is impossible to resist. Brown teeth? Get whitener. Diabetes? Use Splenda. Hard on your stomach, well....tuff!

Coffee is best served scalding hot, or otherwise, iced-cold (Vietnamese style). None of this in between stuff. Room temperature coffee is one of the biggest insults to java connoisseurs. Barely palatable, room temperature coffee ranks up there with overcooked steak, a wet sandwich, or warm beer. And what is it with drinking coffee from a ceramic mug that makes coffee taste so much better than drinking it from a paper/styrofoam cup?

1 comment:

fivepluszero said...

oh also if you cook chinese soup in clay pot, it actually tastes better than in those metallic pot..