Thursday, December 21, 2006

A New Family Member...

We've recently adopted a new member to our family... His name is "Mah-B." Having no pet raising experience whatsoever, we relunctantly accepted him to our humble home while Daddy Daniel is running wild in Hong Kong.

Naively, we're trying to train Mah-B to sit still in his corner before he gets dinner. We yell, we point, we whistle. He just sits there and stares at us. It's Day 4, I don't think he's learning.

The other night, we bought him a pack of bedding from Walmart. We sprinkled it into his the next morning, Mah-B ate almost half of it. Which got us kinda worried cuz some websites say that pine is poisonous to guinea pigs, especially if it has baking soda in it. Well... he's still mightily strong. Though his fecal output has quadrupuled.

We've even gone to far distances of leaving central heating on during the day so Mah-B doesn't freeze to death.

Funny though, we speak to him in both English and Chinese. Maybe we're confusing him....

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