Monday, December 04, 2006

Congratulations to Andrew and Candy

picture courtesy of S. Chung


December 3, 2006 @ approximately 10:35AM PST, Andrew Leung takes center stage at San Jose Christian Alliance Church in San Jose, CA to make the most important speech of his life.

"Many of you don't know me. But that's okay. My name is Andrew. And some of you may know that I'm going to be leaving soon. But as a sign and expression of my commitment.... Candy, marry me."


Andrew lets Candy catch her breath as she walks up to the stage and asks, "Candy, will you marry me?"

In which Candy delightfully says, "Yes!"


After tears of joy flowed from most everyone's eyes, the newly engaged slowly return to their seats, when all of a sudden, Andrew gets down on one knee and says, "OH! And I have a ring!!"

(Based solely on author's interpretation/translation. Not to be taken verbatim)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woot Woot!