Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Aloha, Fall Quarter

The 7AM final was suppose to be the easier one. Get in, get out... kiss the prof goodbye type of final. NOPE!!! Needed at a minimum, another hour to finish this two hour final. Crazy...

The 6PM final was suppose to be the hard one. The prof said we'll be lucky if we can finish in the alloted 3 hours. I was done in 1.5 hours. Extremely crazy...

Two more quarters left and I'll be done with my Masters. I still remember my last final as an Undergrad at Cal Poly. I finished my final early, but was reluctant to turn it in. I ended up sitting there for another 30 minutes...waiting hopelessly for something that never came. It was at that moment, that I realized my life as a student was coming to an end. Well... turns out I was wrong. And I wasted those 30 minutes relishing over nothing!! But come June 2007, will I have to relive that experience?

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