Saturday, December 02, 2006

The little things in life...

I hate spending money on clothes. But I'm in such dire need of some new jeans I caved and went ahead and bought some -- only to find out that on top of the sale, there was an additional 30% markdown!! WOOHOO!!! Paying $15 for a $60 pair of jeans. Hor hor hor...

The other day, an older colleague walks by and points to my mechanical pencil sharpener. (Y' of those you mount on a shelf and have to crank a handle.) He says, "Oh thank you thank you thank you for having this. You can't find these anymore!" He then walks away with a big smile on his face. His smile was very contagious.

This morning, Joyce's company allowed her to get some 2007 Giants tickets. She was able to secure 4 tickets, behind homeplate View Reserved to the Yankees/Giants game. For all we know, outside of the World Series, the Yankees won't be coming back to town for at least 6 years. This is even before the season ticket holders can get tickets! Quickly called Geoff and Anderson and as expected, they both said, "Go for it."

Ahhhh...and finals are finally here, once again. I live for times like this, when projects are due, pressure is mounting, stress is at its height. Whenever I find myself questioning why I'm in school, finals week always slaps me in the face and say, "Dude! It's time to rock-n-roll!"

Praise God for all the big things...and the little things in life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watcha gonna do?! When the 07 Giants run wild on you!!!!!!!!!