Friday, October 22, 2010

Highest highs to lowest low...

Highest Highs....

Nui-nui's first Giants game...and boy was it memorable. Bottom of the ninth sacrifice fly to score the winning run off of Oswalt.  My boy!!! OOOO-Ribe.  OOOOO-Ribe.

I know I'm not suppose to be superstitious.  But after going up 2-0 against the Phils, I left my seat to get some food.  During those two innings, the Phillies went up 4-2 on us.  I was dying to get back to my seat... but we had to feed Nui-nui.  I was sooooooooooo torn apart.  At one point, while walking around to get food, I flat out told Joyce, "I have to watch this."  And was able to stand behind the glass panel to catch a glimpse of the game.  Sigh.... TORTURE.  But alas, I am a father.  And I must do what I must do.

After two innings of being away from our seats, Joyce made the ultimate sacrifice and said she'll take Nui-nui and I can head back.  That was my cue to go!  I ran back to the seats... got beat up by Jeff for leaving and immediately... we took the lead back!! 5-4!!!

Lowest Lows

Flash forward 24 hours. 

Down 3-2, I was debating... should I go to CGST's Bible Study....or stay home and watch??  Fish or bear claw??  Was I really going to choose the Giants over Bible Study? Was I??

I sorta made a compromise.  Remember... my phone doens't have internet access.

Got to Crosspoint at around the top of the 8th. Quickly ran inside to check in... then ran back to my car to hear the Phillies were retired with bottom of the 8th, Posey, Burrell and Ross coming up.  Ran back inside for worship. Ran back outside to hear Madson striking out the side. (DARN!!!) Ran back inside for   discussion. Discussion ended 20 minutes early.  Excused myself and ran to my car to turn on the radio to hear Jon Miller doing the post game show - no celebration.  Meaning... we're going back to Philly for Game 6.  #&!^@**@^#&!!!!!!  So close!!!!!!!

Why....oh why the torture??!??! WHY!?!??! WHY!?!?!??!?!

Can't we just simply and easily score 10 runs in the first and call it a day?!?!?!? I HATE BASEBALL!!!!!

Mood: below average

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