Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chink in the armour

Up 2-0 and I still have very low confidence.  People around me are already celebrating.  Do they not remember the '96 Braves? Or the 2004 Yankees?  Or any of the Giants teams in the past 58 years??  UGH!!!!!

Deep down... I knew it wasn't going to be a sweep.  But I was still hoping... dreaming... fantasizing.  And now.... it's shattered.  Broken into pieces.  That will never be put together again.  What's done.  What's history... can't be rewritten.

I only have tomorrow to look forward to.  5:57PM first pitch.  Must I wait that long to go through another 3 hours of torture?? Geez Louise Puh-leeze. 

Panda-vol - sit his arse down man. Ride some pine and chew some bamboo!

Pat the Fat Bat-  c'mon Machine!  Get your mojo going.  No one's asking you to be the #1 draft pick hero... just don't be the dud Ray's made you out to be

Sanchy - where's that fastball??  Man... did we make a mistake by not trading you for a bat??  Sure you got the glory for game 162.  But had we had a bat.... we probably wouldn't have needed to play game 162.  No love from me boooooy!

I just know I'm not gonna sleep well tonight.... so why even bother??

Mood: depressed beyond description

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