Saturday, October 23, 2010


Am I dreaming...? Is it really true? Did the Giants just win the NL Pennant and about to advance to World Series?

Bottom of the 1st inning... Sanchy looked horrible.  I gave in and took my family to Costco. I couldn't bear to see my Giants fall apart... and I couldn't bear to see my daughter see her dad look like a lunatic.
Oh.... but I kept a close eye (or ear..) on the Giants.  While on our way to Costco... we came back and tied it at 2.  Again... I'm not superstitious...but I quickly called Jeff and said I'm not gonna go home - that's why we scored!

In Costco.  Out of Costco.  Drive to Lucky's.  In Lucky's.  Out of Lucky's.  I kept checking on the radio... hoping I don't hear any roars.  We got home...and I needed to start cooking dinner.  Still.... I crept over to the radio and TV to check in.  And still.... it was tied at 2-2.

Then the moment came.... my phone started ringing and Caller ID was: Private Number.  I picked up...and it was Chris calling from Hong Kong!  He needed some play by play action.  Then we hung up... and the moment we hung up...Uribe puts one in the bleachers.  3-2!! 

CRAP!! I couldn't call him back!!

Then I ran into my room and IM'ed my brother who's in China.  He was only able to watch it on minutes delayed Gamecast.  So I gave him my play by play via the internet. 

6 outs.  Game 6.  Those words don't go well together.  My knees were literally shaking.

Then Timmy comes in.  Strikes out the first out.  I even felt... hey.... maybe he can close.  And immediately, he surrenders back to back singles.  Crap!! Suddenly... feeling hopeless again.  A million scenario runs through my head and none of them are favorable.

B-Wheezy comes in - FEAR THE BEARD.  The certified ninja.  And something that NEVER happens to the Giants, happened.  Line drive-  into the glove of an out of positioned Huff - Double Play.  Threat over.  3 outs to go.  THREE OUTS!!!!

I IM'ed Guy to have him call Chris to call me back.  My brother is watching over a webcam.  Nui-nui is running everywhere destroying things and reeking havoc.  Joyce is doing the best to be a peacemaker knowing how important this moment is going to be. 

Top of the ninth - we load the bases. (HOW?!?!)  B-Wheezy comes in to bat.  I'm messaging my brother.  Chris hasn't called.  Rachel bumps her head on the coffee table.  Strike 1.  He looks goofy as ever with that hat and beard.  Ball 1 - inside. He shoulda leaned in and taken one for the team.  Ball 2.  Wow!! Lidge is missing.  "He's not gonna swing," my brother said.  I just noticed I missed Chris's call.  Stoopid AT&T reception at home!  Here comes the pitch... small grounder to first... inning over. 

I know deep down inside... Wilson wanted to go deep.  Get his first basehit of the season.  3 outs left.  Messaged Guy again to have Chris call me. "HAHA" was his response.  Fingers nervously communicating with my brother telling him... "Laptop is running out of juice.  AC is in bedroom.  Not running in there to get it."  It wasn't a was a fact. 

Should I call Jeff? I haven't talked to him since the bottom of the third.  I better not.  He won't pick up.  He's superstitious.

Bottom of the ninth.  Wilson gets the first out. Then gets the second out.  Then he gives up a single. Then a long battle with Utley.  Utley... easily the MVP of Giants for all the errors he made this NLCS.  Then it came down to this.  The final battle.  David vs. Goliath if there ever was one.  He-Man and Skeletor. Wong Mo-Gei and Invincible Swordsman. Optimus and Megatron. 

One shall rise and one shall fall. 

I'm now on my knees.  Am I praying...? Perhaps.  Am I desperate.  Yes. Am I about to hyperventilate.  I forget.  Rachel still running wild.  Laptop still running out of juice.  Chris still hasn't called.  STRIKE ONE.  46,000 fans in Philly cheering on Howard.  One swing of his bat and the game could easily be over.  Deep down... I was assuring myself that we still had Game 7 with Cain.  But deeper down inside, I knew if we lost this one...we weren't going to win Game 7.  That's how baseball works.  BALL outside.  BALL low.  STRIKE TWO. 

Wheezy has a free base. He doesn't have to challenge Howard.  He can go after Werth - righty vs. righty.  BALL Three.  Full count. 


Full count.... my phone rings.  It's Chris.  I now have brother over webcam and Chris on phone from Hong Kong.  Rachel is being held by mom now. 

Here comes the pitch... inside - SWUNG AT - Foul!!!! We live to see another pitch...but not for long.  Cuz another pitch like that and my heart will stop. 

Man on 1st and 2nd.  Here comes the pitch..... fastball down the middle...but WAIT...the ball disappears and takes a 12 to 6 dip!  Howard doesn't swing.  He freezes.  The whole world freezes.  Then all those torturous moments culiminates in one smooth left handed uppercut by home plate umpire.  STRIKE THREE!!!

"THE GIANTS HAVE WON THE PENNANT!! THE GIANTS HAVE WON THE PENNANT!!!" I scream over the phone.  Wilson does his salute and Posey jumps into his arm!  I hear my brother laugh from the other side of the world.  My wife and daugther are hi-fiving each other!!  I run to embrace them and continue to jump up and down.  Somewhere out there... in Giants world... there's another fan who's jumping with me in his living room with a 17 month daughter and his wife.  Somewhere!!

I'm sorry I doubted you! I'm sorry I left in the middle of the game. I'm sorry for being unfaithful...disloyal.  I'm sorry.  And that....was it.  I was done.  Spent.  Then I realize... I'm starving.  Time to eat dinner.  But more than that...I'm starving for a World Series Championship.  And with that... I try to message my brother but my screen simply said - "POWER EXHAUSTED - ENTERING SLEEP MODE." 

Mood: TORTURE!!!

1 comment:

Ben said...

Henry, You are high.
and... that's good.