Monday, October 11, 2010


All is forgiven!!! All is forgotten!!! 

LET'S GO GIANTS!!! *clap*clap*clapclapclap*

Oh man oh man oh man...

Why did I get the feeling that we were gonna, once again, celebrate in the Atlanta clubhouse?
Why did I get the feeling that we were gonna come back after going down 2-1?
Why did I get the feeling that the unlikely hero was going to be the one guy that Sabean can't take credit for trading?
Why why tell me whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????????????????????????????????

Bring on the Phillies!!!

DON'T STOP, BELIEVIN'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Don't no one call me a hypocrite, now.  I've always loved los Gigantes... )

Mood: exhausted

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