Monday, October 04, 2010

My 13.1 mile journey...

After weeks of training... it all culminated to today's 13.1 mile journey.  Here were some highlights...

1) Got assigned to Corral #16 - the final pack of the race.  In other words... I was starting at the very end of the pack...
2) Had 30 minutes left so I lined up for the port-o-lets...just in case.  Out of the 20 lines, there was one line full of men.  Of course... I lined up at that line.  And of course...that line sped right through.  Why the other people didn't line up there..who knows.
3) Saw someone write the words "GO GIANTS" on their shirt.  But they're lined up at the back of the pack.  I don't believe in omens.... only bad ones.  That really made me sick to the stomach - TORTURE!!
4) Standing at the starting line while counting down the final seconds... I suddenly remembered those years of standing at the starting line for the Bay to Breakers with big bro.  This time, I was alone.  Got a bit teary-eyed reminiscing.
5) And at that very instant... it started sprinkling.  I guess God was a bit sad also.
6) 7 minutes into the start of the race... I finally got to the official STARTING LINE.  And out of the corner of my eye, a blur of gray charges at me.  "FINALLY FOUND YOU!!" It was Daniel!  We originally planned for him to meet me at mile 5.5.  I guess he wanted to try to conquer the whole thing.  And just like my spiritual walk at SJCAC, I really took off when Daniel came to our church.  Quite symbolic, I thought.
7) Stupid walkers... stay to the right!  Get out of the way!
8) Amazing how much water is wasted - when countries in Africa and Pakistan are dying of thirst.
9) As I approached mile 5... on the other side of the path... I see the first man running through mile 12!!  Dang he's fast.  (Oh well... I betcha he can't integrate by parts!!) 
10) First woman to pass us on the way back... and she's only behind two men.  Albeit...she's about a minute behind them.  But when God created man and woman... they're not that much different afterall!
11) As I approached mile 6... on the other side of the path... I see the first Asian man running through mile 12... who's that? He's non-other than SJCAC's very own TOM WONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I'm sure he can integrate by parts)
13) Daniel needed to go use the restroom... I didn't want to wait for him so we parted ways.
14) Finally caught up to the 2:30 pacers.  Was hoping to catch up to the 2:15 pacers.
15) WOW.... never seen these parts of San Jose!!
16) Stupid joggers...stay to the right!!
17) Thank you Bill Simmons, Joel Osteen, David Jacoby and Streams of Praise for cheering me on via my iPod.
18) Cytomax is pretty good!  Tastes better than water!
19) Running on a cool morning sure beats running on a hot October afternoon.
20) Must've been four/five times that the man with the red ASIC headband passed me.  I guess we were pacing each other without knowing it.
21) Just realized that I blew away my best Bay to Breakers time! 12k now seems like a jog in the park.
22) Running by Starbucks and Peet's, I couldn't help but think how long would it take for me to get back on the coffee bandwagon.
23) Ran past the Egyptian (Rosicucian Museum).  Suddenly thought of Royce and their Egyptian vacation.
24) Heart started to ache.  During a race... that is exactly the type of pain you do NOT want to have.  Quickly laid hand on myself and prayed for God's quick healing.  Afer 2-3 minutes...the pain went away.  Phew...
25) Around mile 12... saw a man being carried onto a stretcher.  Ouch....
26) Finishing time: 2 hr 17 minutes.  minus the 7 minutes getting to the start line - a time of 2:10.  Beat my expectation of 2:15.  But I really wanted to come in under 2:00.
26.1) Got to the reunion area to wait for Daniel... and he was already there!  Apparently, he finished the entire race without stopping! But he skipped all the free food and drinks to meet up with me.  Darn kid... I spend months training to finish in 2 hours+.  He runs with me just once and he finishes a few minutes behind me. 
26.2)'s not coincident I end with 26.2.  Cuz the next time I write a "running" blog, I will end at mile 26.2. 

Mood: exhausted...yet thankful I finished

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