Sunday, June 03, 2018

Wally Pipp'ed

Wally Pipp'ed.... a verb coined for the famous Yankees player Wally Pipp who, accordingly to legend, had a headache one day and was replaced by Lou Gehrig at Shortstop.  Lou Gehrigh went on to playing that same position for the next 17 seasons.... (2130 games). 

Today... I think I got Wally Pipp'ed.  And all for the better.

The past 3 years... I've been at the core of almost all the big CS events.  Carnivals...CNY... Gospel Sundays, etc....  it was time to give someone else a chance.  And this team took the torch and set it ablazin'!!!!  So proud of this team.....

Sometimes.... people just need a chance, a gig, a start.  Like when Larry gave me my opportunity several years ago.  And here I am today.  So prayerfully... we have a new era of leaders, managers, organizers to take CS and SJCAC to a new level!!!! 

By the way....God doesn't need us.  He can do anything he wants with anyone. 

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