Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Costco surprises me again

Costco never ceases to amaze me.

Today... Nui-nui picked up a box of 6 double chocolate muffins.  I was initially reluctant to buy it.. but it's summer, and I'm sure I can eat 1 or 2 for breakfast.

Upon getting to the register, the cashier said "This is 2 for the price of 1.  Do you want a second one?"

I think about it for a sec.... hmm.... same price, 12 muffins. What a deal!!!! But I can't eat all that.  It's unhealthy!  "Nah... I don't want to waste food.  I'll just take one box."

She rings me up.... and she gives the box of muffins to her colleague to re-stock.

"Wait...wait... wait.... I can't buy one?!?"

"Sorry sir.... You need to buy two."

"But what if I pay for two, but I only want one."

"I can't let you walk out with one box.  Sorry sir."

I couldn't help but laugh.  This is senseless and mindless.  Only in America.

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