Thursday, June 21, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Comeback

(Shucks... took a 3 week hiatus to write this one.  The memory is fading fast)

When the world seems to have fallen apart... heroes will rise.  And rarely, do heroes stand alone.
The team really banded together.  Everyone wanted to be sure what happened in week 1 didn't happen again.

I got requests for week 1's video.  Cuz word got out that it was an epic musical (I didn't think so)
I got emails / calls telling me to get with Dung to ensure A/V is ready.
I was told that we'll have professional video recording. (Honestly... I really DON'T want recording)
I was asked if we can rehearse... as opposed to if we needed to rehearse.

The whole world wanted us to succeed.  They were begging for a successful part 2.

On Friday night... we didn't just rehearse, we squeezed every drop of our creative juice to make our mark.

On Saturday morning... we were suppose to rehearse in the Sanctuary.  But was inadvertently double-booked.  But the team made the best of the situation and made lemonade out of lemons.  Part of the team went overtime... and wanted to further rehearse on their own, just to ensure they had things pat.

The A/V and Lighting team was so enthralled in getting every last detail correct.  It was maddening.

On Saturday night... close to midnight... the script was still evolving.  And it dawned on me that we need to end the skit on a high note.  So last minute... I added a TWIST that had everyone applauding on Whatsapp.

And dear Sam (of course it's the Tsangs) ends the night by saying, "Bless everyone a good night sleep and Holy Spirit filled tomorrow!"

That's how it should start...and that's how it should end - with God.  We were ready....


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