Saturday, June 16, 2018

Family Time

In San Diego this week for a short vacation.  And we end up staying with the Tat's in their San Diego home.  It's always a little anxious staying overnight with someone.  Will they get in your way? Will you get in their way? What if you end up being "that family" that the host wants to get rid of? So many things to think about and worry about.

Back to back nights.. I ended up sitting in the living room to watching TVB with them.  Mindless chit-chat for about an hour.  Such precious family time. 

I asked Hody if they that's what they do at home.  She said... "Yes, and No."  Yes... they watch the news together and have an hour of mindless chit-chat.  No...instead of a 70" TV....the entire family is hovered in front of an iPad.

Wow.... so eye opening to see other families interact this way. 

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