Saturday, June 23, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Redemption

In retrospect, the build up from week 1 was exactly what we needed.  Had we been too perfect for week 1.... there would be no where to go for week 2. Sure...there were mic issues.  some lighting and AV problems.  But man....did we hit a Home Run on week 2.

Our props were perfect.  From the park bench... to the BBQ Pork Rice.
The comic relief was on the spot.  Angel pulled off his lines flawlessly.
The music...the singing... the movement was seamless.

The one flaw...I guess... was at the end of 滾, we totally expected the audience to roar with applause.  But they were so shocked.... it was pure silence.  We had them.  We had the audience.  They were at the mercy of whatever we wanted to do next.

And then the ending.... so satisfying, from everyone's perspective.

The wireless mic was turned out.... and the audience knew it.... so everyone was hush-silent to hear him speak.  We couldn't have planned that better.  Angus delivered his line perfectly, "小姐, 賞唔賞面食個lunch."  The audience erupted.... it was exactly what they wanted to see.  And then.... to put the icing on the cake.... Elise delivered her purest, most heart warming performance, but standing up and covering her mouth.

Lights out.



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