Sunday, June 24, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Reflection

To the day... it's been exactly 6 weeks since the musical.

The days after the musical... our little chat group had some wonderful, side splitting exchanges.  And some were also tear-jerking emotional.  To this day... I don't want to leave or delete that chat group.  A desperate desire to hang onto something in the past.

At church today... I saw the entire ensemble.  Glowing.  Serving.  Beautiful.  But no mentions of this musical.  To everyone, other than me, this is probably an afterthought.

A couple of weeks ago, I led CS Prayer Meeting, so I had a reason to go back to the pictures from our Gospel Sunday.  Of the hundreds and hundreds of pictures that were taken... I picked two.  One was from the STEAM class.  And the other one..... new believers raising their hands in response to PAL's calling.  That's the true essence of Gospel Sunday.  The true meaning behind 浪子回頭.  All the other things... a distraction.  Nothing brings me more gladness and joy... then when another one of God's children "returns home."

So what's next??  After Gospel Sunday... I haven't done much for CS.  I owed Joyce a little "break."  But you can only hide me for so long.  You can take the hero out of the action, but you can't take the action out of the hero. (HA!!)

Coincidentally... this morning, I started singing 別人的歌:

My new dream... a self produced, self directed, original soundtrack musical....


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