Thursday, September 13, 2018

Blue Sky Sunday.... partial recap....

Earlier this week... we wrapped up our first, ever CS Outdoor Worship service.... something we coined Blue Sky Sunday. 

MAN.... did that take a lot of work.
MAN.... was that thing expensive!!
MAN... was it worth it. 

We initially estimated 300....we ended up with near 400. 

We initially thought to have Hody and Joyce take our kids on a nature hike.  We ended up with a "Kids Church" for 70 kids (that required 16 adults and 9 youths). 

We initially thought a guitar or two for worship.  We ended up with a full band decked out with speakers, keyboard, guitar, drums.

We initially thought we'll start worship at 9:45 because we expect people to be late.  We ended up starting at 9:30...our usual start time because everyone was on time, if not early.

We initially thought we had too much food.  Praise God....we had too much food. HA!!!

After days of countless texting and numerous chat groups.... on the night before the event... it was eerily quiet.  No texting... no planning.  We were ready.  I got so restless... I ended up sending Roy a text, "This is what we need to do, when we go church planting." 


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