Saturday, September 15, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Reunion... the Scare

It's been 4 months since "The Lost Sons" production came to an end.  Here and there, I still get comments (generally compliments) about the show.  Last night, we finally had our long awaited and much deserved after-party celebration. Really felt like a family reunion.... and it was hilarious seeing everyone call each other by their stage name.

Then we got serious and we started rehearsing for Sunday's production.  It was simply too much fun!!  Even NN couldn't stop laughing.

Then it got REALLY serious.  Last night, I had the worst nightmare I've had since as long as I can remember.

I was standing on sanctuary stage... with the entire CS looking at me... waiting for us to go live when I realized, "Crap!! Forgot to download the slides and music onto the computer." So I jump off the stage, run to the back and grab the keyboard.  I try logging into my Gmail account, so I can access Google Drive -- knowing full well that's not the latest version.  But not matter how many times I tried, the password didn't work!  Then I tried another computer... kept trying.  I logged into but the files weren't there!  I've never seen this interface!! Here I'm thinking, "Move onto announcements...this is dead silence... this isn't good."  But the entire congregation kept waiting.... and I kept trying.  (then it got weird).  
Somehow, the music started playing... but the actors weren't on stage, but they were playing parts of a Disney movie to simulate the action.  I was sweating bullets. What now!?!?  And then before I know it... the service is over.  Everyone came to the service, waited for me to find the file, and even PAL didn't get to deliver his sermon. 
I was so downtrodden... I walked out in shame.  I wasn't even sure where I walked to.  I only had my backpack and I just kept walking.  I needed to calm down and find my own space.  (As I'm typing this, I'm already forgetting 90% of the dream.)  I end up in some store somewhere... where I have to eat lunch.  And I know, that Joyce and the kids are probably having lunch somewhere or looking for me.  I walk past a lot of stores and shops... and I come across an apartment building and in the front of the door are three middle aged Chinese ladies selling "crazy pineapples" - pineapple slices that are roasted and sprinkled with cinnamon.  I take a picture with my phone and line up to pay for one when they said they were closing.  I check my watch, it's 3PM, I better head back.
In my mind... I kept saying to myself, I need to apologize to PAL, I need to apologize to PAL.  
When I got back to church... it was different.  The entire place was now underconstruction.  I was walking through a remodeled shell of our church.... walking on bare feet!!  I even remember stepping on something sharp.  "Where's PAL? I need to apologize."  And I see Leonora from afar, having a picnic lunch with some folks -- I knew I was in the right spot.
And that's all I can remember..... 

Wow.... truly 走火入魔.

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