Saturday, September 01, 2018


My friend at work ended our IM yesterday with "ttyl."

Half-jokingly, I couldn't help but shoot back at her, "That's so 90's!  No one does "ttyl" anymore." 

Then we went on a 30 minute research project on whether or not my half-joke was actually true!!

So I looked up all my Whatsapp chats, and found 2 instances of "ttyl" in 2018 (from the same person).  And 3 from 2017.  I looked up all my work IM's and found only 1 "ttyl" -- this co-worker. 
We interviewed a few other colleagues and came to the same conclusions.

Finally found an article online that says, "brb" and "ttyl" are dying AOL-era phrases, because nowadays, we are always connected and always online.  The fact that we say we'll talk to you later, means we're going to go away for a indeterminate amount of time.

That.... or we're just getting more and more rude. 

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