Saturday, September 22, 2018

怎去猜想這夢會變真? - The Return

We killed it... again...

I came up with the script the day after we met about Operation: AOL.  I was so excited... I couldn't help but text the ensemble, "We're back!!!"

The script: that same night... I typed the script and sent it out.  Got a lot of feedback saying it was too "dark" and I needed to lighten things up. (fine fine....)  Maybe deep down... I'm a dark and resentful person that's only personified in a play or skit. Hmmm.....

The music: No singing this time... just a bunch of background music that really made a difference.  My dear sister was so flustered.  She must've been ultra busy with work and life.... but as always...  came through.  I can't say enough about her..... she is simply amazing in everything she does.  No complaints.  Delivers at 110%.  And does it..... with a smile.  I love this Sis. One day, I might even dedicate a blog post just for her. That's how much I admire her.

The cast:  We tried to add another member to the ensemble... but he refused, saying he didn't want to disrupt a good-thing.  It's not a good-thing, it's a great thing.  The actors did everything on cue.  Even the Little Brother who didn't have a line.  He was perfect.  As Edward puts it... we can be like "愛回家" and as I would put it, we are  "愛神家."

The nightmare: I already wrote about my nightmare on a previous blog.  But the perfectionist inside me can't help but notice all the blemishes in the performance.  99% of the people will applaud us.  But 1% (perhaps it's me) will notice things we could always improve upon.  The lighting, the mic, the execution.... ARGH!!!! Why am I so petty?!?!?

And really.... REALLY.... none of this matters.  What matters, is we were able to deliver a message to get people to volunteer for Operation: AOL.  And if this little skit was able to get ONE more person to sign up.... then we accomplished our goal.

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