Monday, October 17, 2005 say the least.

I've always been dubbed - mature. I act (for the most part) ahead of my age. Tears of joy streamed down my face when one of the kids in the tutoring program said I looked 18. Okay, maybe a little too melodramatic - but kids don't lie, right? The events this past week though have transcribed into a very disturbing revelation!!

I have an older brother (pictured here) who's a couple of years my elder. But at my wedding and at dinner this past week, both relatives and friends have addressed him as my little brother!

This past Friday's cell group at the Louie's, we welcomed a new friend. I was sitting in the TV room with little Samuel (below). The new friend comes over and asks, "Oh, is he your son?"

Do I look old enough to have a son this big?!?!

Finally...on Saturday, I looked in the mirror and didn't see myself. I saw a reflection of a stressed out, overworked, shadowy-eyed, senile senior citizen with male patterend baldness. I quickly stole some of Joycie's cream and put a mask on myself. Maybe I'll go get some cucumbers for the eyes. So this is what being married will do to ya....


Anonymous said...

You're a married man. What do you expect. Do I look younger than you? Hrmmm......

Anonymous said...

They lie. I look at you and I can swear, you're not a day over 40.