Monday, October 03, 2005

Checks and Balances

From the day I learned about Civics and US Government, I've always felt the Judical branch carried the most power of the three branches. Mainly because they didn't have a servitude term, nor did they have to be elected by the people (which is very undemocratic). We are living in a time of political fertility. Fertility in the sense where things are actually getting done (whether I like it or not) and not met with strong opposition.
The man in the White House is a Republican. The Senate and Congress are controlled by the GOP. And the Supreme Court will now be made up of Republican appointed Justices. Just a google away....

John Paul Stevens - Ford
Sandra Day O'Connor - Reagan
Antonin Scalia - Reagan
Anthony M. Kennedy - Reagan
David H. Souter - Bush
Clarence Thomas - Bush
Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Clinton
Stephen G. Breyer - Clinton
John Roberts - - Dubya

Just this morning...I see on the headlines that Bush has nominated Harriet Mirers to replace Sandra Day O'Connor. O'Connor was nominated by Reagan, but amazingly has been the voice of liberals on a lot of the most controversial cases in our recent history: capitol punishment, affirmative action, Roe v Wade.

Historically, you can't relate the political sidings between a Supreme Court justice and their nominator. As a true bipartisan, you're suppose to have no affiliations. But one can't help but notice that 7 out of the 9 justices will be Republican Nominated. What will happen to our country? Even if Mirer isn't nominated...Dubya will just pick another one of his lackeys.

Dubya has another 3 years in office...will he appoint the successor to John Stevens also?? If so...the majority of the Supreme Court will be "Bush" nominated. Sigh....I need a vacation.

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