Monday, November 28, 2005

Exiled from my own home...

Wonderful 4-day weekend. Perfect timing for us to recover from our jetlag and reaccustom ourselves with California's laid back lifestyle. Mmm Mmm Good!

Friday morning, we unorthodoxly woke up at 5AM to go to Macy's at 6AM. All that for a rice cooker - we were hoping for some kind of super duper sale. We came home with our tail between our legs. There was no sale!! Luckily, we didn't have to cook that day...

Saturday we slept in until 3PM. That's 15 hours of sleep. I did get up once to go wee-wee. We had our hearts set on fixing the broken pipe too. Oh well..guess that'll have to wait. After having breakfast/lunch/afternoon tea...whatever you wanna call it, we "cleaned house." Went through all our boxes and clawed through everything that even slightly resembled evilness. Threw away a bunch of charms my dad got for me at Wong Dai Sin, a charm Gracie got for us from Japan, my 招財進寶 piggy bank, volumes upon volumes of so-called "literature." It felt really good! Probably the hardest thing to do was to throw away were Joycie's 龍鳳扼. We were contemplating melting it and reusing the material for something else...but since we couldn't think of anything, and honestly, no one is going to miss it, we hurled it into the trash. Sayonara!

Sunday was oh so cold. We get home around 4PM to watch the 4th quarter of the Cardinals/Jaguars game, then decide to head off to Barnes and Noble cuz it's warmer there. We figure a $2 cup of coffee is cheaper than turning on the heat.

During the summer, we go to Barnes and Noble to stay cool. During the winter, we go to Barnes and Noble to stay warm!! Anything wrong there??

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