Saturday, November 26, 2005


Winter is officially here for retailers. Tomorrow will be the biggest shopping day of the year. Places like Walmart and Circuit City are selling laptops plus printers plus Wireless cards for $200. That's insane. INSANE!!!

Joyce and I decided to spend Thanksgiving this year with her dad. We rarely spend time with this side of the family. But the time we spend together is definitely worth cherishing. They were so surprised that we had lunch and dinner with them. Almost unexpected. The day went by quickly. We finished Thanksgiving dinner by 630PM -- when most families start to have dinner. Instead of heading over to the Louie's for dessert, we decided to rest up for shopping tomorrow. I'm actually gonna hit up Macy's at 6AM. I can't help it!! Our rice cooker broke and we need a new one. Hahahahhaa... amazing huh? A chinese family w/o a rice cooker is like a football game w/o a football.

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