Wednesday, November 30, 2005

more bathroom jabber...

So I'm sitting in the men's room today, doing my own thing, minding my own business. In comes a man. I immediately recognize his voice because he was in the bathroom the same time I was, yesterday. This time he's with a different friend, no less. He goes into a stall and begins the same speech I heard him give yesterday.

"Hey <>, In all my 50+ years of going to public restrooms, I've never seen one designed quite like this one. I'm amazed! This is the first bathroom I've been in where they have stalls perpendicular to each other. Usually they are just parallel, side by side. Sometimes facing each other. But this person really had to think outside of the box."

Two days in a row...same speech. And both times, while that guy is sitting in a stall talking to a friend. What are the chances...?

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