Thursday, November 03, 2005


Where would we be without the internet? Email? Mapquest? Google Earth? Still remember back in 1997, 80% of the Superbowl commericials were all dot com commericials. The last few years, we've had a setback, a recession even. But there are still dot com's popping up here and there. One of which is Friendster.

I mozied on to Friendster about 2 years ago when a buddy invited me on. I thought it was another scam, another junk mail bait. So signed up and created a junk account just to entertain that "friend." A year later, I traverse back and lo and behold -- EVERYONE and THEIR MOTHERS are ON FRIENDSTER!!!!! That night, I spent about 4 hours going through everyone's network finding long lost friends. A great night that was. Then the novelty wore off.

Yesterday, I crawled back onto the world of FRIENDSTER and EVERYONE and THEIR MOTHERS and THEIR MOTHERS' MOTHERS are on it!!!! People I haven't seen or heard from in years. Everyone is so different now. No longer are they the screwups and the immatures. Some are doctors, business owners, mothers and fathers. A part of me want to oh-so-bad contact these "friends." Yet.... another part of me is tugging my ear saying, "Let it go.... it's in your past."

And today...out of the blue, I receive an email from a friend. And there on the cc-list was her email address. Long have I forgotten this person. And now, I have proof she's still around. That's probably enough for me to know. All good things must come to an end... and even things that aren't good must come to an end.

Weight check: Before Hong Kong - 165lbs. Let's see how much I weigh when I come back. =)

Hong I come.

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