Saturday, November 12, 2005

PCS 2005

Day 1: "Buckle up"
Day 2: "Come out!"
Day 3: "Chop! Chop!"
Day 4: "Think!"
Day 5: WHOA.......!

Highlights from my 5 days:

1) Sisters outnumbered brothers 4 to 1. Come time to voluntarily give testimonies: 4 brothers vs 2 sisters. Yeahhhhhhhhhh.....

2) Some older brothers taught me 三句三字經. Three phrases to a healthy marrige:

對 0吾 住 -- I am sorry
係 我 錯 -- I am wrong
我 愛 你 -- I love you

3) SoChi, Becca and Susan.

4a) Second night, after receiving the Holy Spirit and returning to our room, I asked Joyce, "Do I look different?" She says, "Nope. But your skin feels smoother." I reply, "That's cuz I just shaved."

4b) A sister runs up to me the next day and says, "Your face really changed. God bless you." Hrm....

5) Pastor SARS - Simon Tse.

6a) During worship, all the sisters are jumping up and down with their hands raised. Like a group of teenage girls in a moshpit in a concert, trying to shake hands with their idols. These sisters are trying to reach and grab a hold of Jesus. All the brothers on the otherhand, at most, have two hands raised. Some clap, one particular one jumped up and down. I guess we have different ways of expressing ourselves.

6b) An older gentlemen in my cell group was extremely reserved throughout the entire week. He never clapped or raised his hand or showed any emotions during worship. On the last session on the last day, when 95% of the people were up and dancing in a conga line during worship, the Holy Spirit invited him out with everyone.

7) My brother, Kelvin.

8) The ministers were a little understaffed and Amy had to sing solo for over an hour before someone came to relieve her. She was weeping but couldn't reach for a tissue cuz her hands were tied to the keyboard.

9) $7 HK Milk Tea

10a) Leaving Breakthrough Village, we were in a huge hurry to get to Kong Oh Pier. The bus won't leave Breakthrough for another hour and the little vans were pretty full. One of the sisters was wise enough to call for a taxi -- was willing to share it with us (thereby fitting 6 ppl in a car) and even paid for the trip. Good Samaritans are everywhere.

10b) All the girls piled into the backseat of the taxi and I'm last to get in. So I run to the passenger side of the taxi, open the door and see a steering wheel!?!? Whoops...ain't in America no more! Hahhahaha

As the saying goes, "You give a man a fish, he eats for a day. You teach him how to fish, he eats for his entire life." Like what my friend Chris said about PCS... it's not about a life changing experience within the five days inside the confides of Breakthrough. PCS is about arming you with the necessary weapons and knowledge that'll continue to protect yourself against the world's challenges and temptations.

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