Monday, January 30, 2006

Tax Season

It's tax season, the time when W-2's and 1099's start rolling in the mail. I really dread this time of the year...especially now that we're filing as a married couple. With the mortgage and deductions...oh, it's gonna be a headache. Anyhoo...that's not what's triggering this post.

A couple of days ago, Tommie asked me a peculiar question. The same question that I came up with last week....In the Bible, why are tax collectors seen as antagonists?? What did they do to deserve such a stigma?

The New Testament mentions the words "TAX COLLECTOR" 26 times. They are coupled with prostitutes.
I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. Matt 21:32.

They are paired up "sinners" and are singled-out.
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and you say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and "sinners." Luke 7:34

Jesus was shown spending time with tax collectors, the most famous ones being the disciple Matthew (Matt 9:9) and Zacchaeus (Luke 19:2).
Is tax collecting really such a sin?!? These people are simply doing a job. Yes, they are working for Herod. And yes, they are taking money from people who rather not give it up. But it's not like they're stealing. They are carrying out an order by the government - submission to authority. Perhaps the writers of the gospels feel that tax collection connotes the idea of greed and stealing. But that's a generalization.

In American history, the United States have always been opposed to taxes. From the days of the Revolutionary War - "No Taxation without Representation" till this very day, "Read my lips. No new taxes!!" -- George Bush Sr.

Maybe Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are early Republicans?? I don't know. But it clearly explains why nobody and I mean NOBODY (Democrats / Republicans) likes the IRS.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Book Review

I always find myself buried in books. Always starting them, never finishing them, and constantly wanting more. Well, January was a good month. I actually finished three books in the same month.

The first book, Now I Can Die in Peace : How ESPN's Sports Guy Found Salvation, with a Little Help from Nomar, Pedro, Shawshank, and the 2004 Red Sox -- by Bill Simmons (aka the Sports Guy). Simmons has a column in ESPN Magazine and This book is really just a conglomeration of his articles dating back from 2002 up till the Red Sox captured the World Series, with comments added on the side. His writing style is geared towards male audiences in their late 20's to mid 50's with reverances to the Karate Kid Series, Shawshank Redemption, The Godfather and true nitty gritty nose-grinding sports commentary. A great bathroom reader since each article can really stand alone and any sports fan who's experienced rise and falls of any team can relate to Simmon's pain and anguish, joy and exuberance. Definitely worth getting from a used book store.

The second book, Life of the Beloved : Spiritual Living in a Secular World -- by Henri Nouwen. This was lent to me by a dear sister. I agree with her that Nouman is indeed a special writer that presents his thoughts with succintly and concisely. The book was originally intended for an audience living in a secular world without a clear understanding of God's love and his desire to have a relationship with us. Nouman admits that he missed his target audience and he missed me with this book also. Other than two paragraphs in the last chapter of the book, I did not find the book particularly appealing.

The third book, Heartbreak & Triumph : The Shawn Michaels Story -- by Shawn Michaels, Aaron Feigenbaum I only read 50% of the book and thumbed through the rest of it while spending some cold afternoons at Barnes and Noble. An autobiography of one of the most renouned professional wrestler in the past 20 years, Michaels chronicles his days starting as a rookie and emerging as the Champion of the WWF. This book goes into a wrestling entertainer's perspective of the business and gives good insight on what happens behind the closed curtains. Michaels is not candid about the "storyboard drama" that goes into modern day wrestling entertainment and he trumps this book with his final declaration that Jesus Christ as his personal savior. A history book, an inpirational book, an avenue down memory lane. I would probably say, go to your local bookstore and thumb through it.

Stay tuned for February reviews....

Thursday, January 19, 2006

When rules aren't rules

CHICAGO (AP) - New York Knicks forward Antonio Davis was suspended five games Thursday by the NBA for climbing into the stands to confront a man during a game in Chicago, and that fan said he did nothing wrong and was attacked by Davis' wife.

How far will you go to defend the honor of your wife? Antonio Davis of the Knicks acted and reacted by running to his wife's safety. Can he depend on everyone else to protect his wife? Depend on security to "break things up?" The probable assiliant was intoxicated. Who knows what he would've done! Does he deserve to be suspended? Probably...cuz rules are rules. You do the crime, you do the time. But what if Antonio Davis ran into the stands to save a child from falling concrete?? He'd be a hero instead of a zero. Interesting...

Less than a week from finishing our paint job at home, we're considering re-painting. The yellow chosen for the dining room is a little too bright. When the sun is setting and shines through our window, you can get blinded if you look straight at the wall. But there's no way we can paint this quarter. Will have to wait till after finals I guess.

On a lighter note...I was in the bathroom earlier, doing my thing. I look up at the ceiling and see a horrible paint job!! And I think to myself, "Geez...I could do a lot better than that."

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Monday, January 16, 2006

Chateau de Leung

Saturday night, we had all four walls cleaned, scrubbed and spackled. I was hoping just to have the walls primed for Sunday night's dinner party...but Joycie was very ambitious and wanted to paint also.

We got home from church on Sunday, wolfed down our Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers, watched the end of the Colts/Steelers game and started working at 1PM. By 5PM, we TSP'ed, primed, painted and cleaned up the dining room. To put things into perspective, it took us 3 days to do the same thing with our master bedroom.

We then quickly assembled our dining table and dining chairs. Those darn IKEA furniture may look nice, but can we a PAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNN to put together. Down to the 11th hour, (6:30 to be precise), we had the house pristine and ready to be opened to the public. The food was baking in the oven. I just had enough time to change from my work clothes into my church clothes...and "DING-DONG!!!"

The Lee's, Louie's and Hsu's arrived with chairs, food and dessert...rarin' to go!! A most wonderful night of food, prayer and share. Kinda weird though...when they get together, all they talk about is raising kids and stuff. Joyce and I were staring at them thinking, "Did we just age 10 years in a matter of 10 minutes?"

We invited them over for dinner, but more importantly, they were here to bless and christen our house.

Chateau de Leung is officially opened for business!!!!

Kinda depressing when Yao Chung kept saying this house reminds him of his mom's house. I thought we did a pretty good job modernizing it. Hahahahhaa...guess not. And with the pitter-patter of children running around and laughter echoing in the rooms, I wonder when we'll fill those rooms with children of our own???????????

Friday, January 13, 2006

A new quarter

Tuesday officially kicked off my Winter Quarter at Santa Clara. Taking 2 classes again, 2 units each. Only this time, I have a sinking feeling that this quarter and the next quarter will drain me like I've never been drained before.

It's 4:52AM, Friday morning. I just pulled my first all nighter of the year. Not cuz of homework... although, I really should start reading the text. No, this all nighter is excruciatingly painful. Couple of weeks ago, I read in Genesis about the Great Flood and Noah's Ark and God destroying the earth. Just how painful was it for the Lord to destroy his own creation?? No one will ever know. Well...last night and this morning, I got a sense of what He felt.

We have one last room to paint in our house, our dining room. Since Monday, we've been cleaning it and prepping it. Wednesday night, we laid a nice layer of primer on the room...everything was good to go for a new layer of paint!! But as we were cleaning up, we started seeing bubbles forming on the wall. They were everywhere!! It was like a teenager's acne breakout!! We poked at the bubble and it popped, leaving a hole in the middle of the primer. Then the hole started peeling. OH NO!!! My beautiful walls!!!

Turns out when we ripped the wallpaper off, we didn't clean off the residual glue. The glue was chemically reacting with the primer for some reason. Had we continued on with the paint job...who knows what would happen in a few months?? So, we ended up spending the entire evening scratching off the primer and glue!! Just so we can clean the walls (again) and lay primer on again!!

Oh how painful it was to destroy my own creation....and I'm sleepy!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Farewell 2005 Welcome 2006

2005 was full of winners and losers. This kinda sums up 2005.
Some of the winners: Arlene, Dennis, Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Chi Sox

Some of the losers: India/Pakistan, New Orleans, NHL, Rafael Palmerio, Martha Stewart, Wendy's

Some winners who are actually losers: Wacko Jacko, Kobe Bryant, Robert Blake, Camilia aka the OTHER woman...

Some winners won for the 2nd time: Dubya - FOUR MORE YEARS?!?

Some won for their 3rd: Tony Blair, Spurs, Patriots

Some won their fourth...(Masters): Tiger Woods

He won his seventh...and perhaps his 8th: Lance Armstrong

Some won for the 16th time: Pope Benedict XVI (okay..not really.
but it sorta works)

Some winners won for being there at the right time: Chief Justice -
John Roberts

Some people never seem to lose: George Lucas - Revenge of the Sith

Some people finally get to decide winners/losers: Iraqi's finally get to vote

Then there are those who don't get to or lose, who knows: Terry Shiavo

After making over 20 attempts to sum up my personal 2005 and not being able to get pass writer's block, I decided to roll it off as most elegantly as I can. Here is a look back, at my 2005.

2004 was a year full of glee,
I proposed, I engaged, I was no longer free.
2005 was not to be outdone,
Not a moment of dullness, bordom - none.

Another year, another heart attack,
To the ICU, I headed straight back.
Last year dad, this year mom,
Only this time, I learned to be calm.

With her I prayed, every night and day,
"Jesus is with us, things will be okay."
We grew and bonded like we've never before,
If only we'd done this, us family of four.

I finally moved and changed jobs within,
A new position, from the bottom I begin.
My friends I'll miss, but yes I must go;
Adieu! Adieu! Farewell is sweet sorrow.

Then came the time, I was puzzled and confused,
He heard me, answered me and changed my views.
My wings I will spread, My cross I will carry,
Next thing to do, hurry up and get marry!!

Before we say "I do", we decided to spend,
Real estate is crazy, money we must lend.
Rejection after rejection, we kept falling short,
Maybe renting is the only thing that we can afford.

Alas we have found the house to be,
Chateau de Leung, came with a big fee.
The Lord is with us, in more ways than one,
Remodel and painting, lots need to be done.

Lake Tahoe, vacation, "Dare to be Free."
Surprised by His power, can this really be?
Confizzled, confuzzled, questions and fears,
Some things are not as they seem to appear.

"PCS", Alan said, is the place we should go,
Vacation in Hong Kong, how can I say "no?"
Pre Marital Counselling, intense as it was,
Prepared us greatly, it certainly does.

Last minute gotchas, we change the wedding date,
Not everyone can make it, the change was too late.
Invitations went out, and Evites did too,
It always seemed, we had too much to do.

Astigmatism, nearsightedness I had,
Coke bottles for glasses, my vision was bad.
LASIK and Wavefront, I decided to get,
It meant one thing, that's being more In-Debt!!

20/20 vision, my eyes have become,
now let's celebrate with wine, gin or some rum.
The Lord's been with me, throughout all of these days,
He paves the path for me, and clears up my way.

Then came the day, I made my solemn vow,
My wife looked beautiful, amazing and WOW!
The tears came rolling, I couldn't control,
My love for my wife, everyday it shall grow.

8 years has gone by, Hong Kong I'm back!
Beijing we were going, but Thailand we'd pack.
Breakthrough in Sha Tin, we found peace at last,
One week of PCS, went by too fast.

Beijing was cold, but the sights were stunning,
The food was lousy and our noses were running.
Great Wall, Forbidden City amazing I must say,
But I was dying to go home, back to San Jose.

Another year has past me, more days have gone by,
How can anything surpass the year 2005?
Amazing is His power, amazing is His grace,
I long for the day, we can come face to face.

And of greatest memory of 2005:
September 17, 2005 inside Grace Cathedral in San Francisco.

"In the name of God, I, Henry, take you, Joyce, to be my wife,
to have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or worse, for richer or poorer,
in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish,
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow."

If you missed it, here are 2004 , 2002 . Don't know what happened to 2003.

Friday, January 06, 2006

more random bathroom thoughts... Pt 2

just got back from the restroom again and the "Out of Order" towel got changed to a sign that says, "Out of the Order." I'm going from the edge of sanity to holding on by the skin of my fingernail...

more random bathroom thoughts...

As I was exiting the men's room this morning, I noticed a paper towel wrapped around the handle of one of the urinals with the words written, "Out of Order." Then it occurred to me, or rather, didn't occur to me what that really means. Out of order...what's out of order? Did we order anything? You go to Starbucks and you order a Maple Oat Nut Scone. The barista pokes his head into the pastry display case and comes back with a "I just dinged your car door" look saying, "Sorry, we're out of order." SEE!!! That's when it should be used!!! Or when you go onto and find that missing Star Wars novel from your collection. You click "Add to Cart" and the screen pops up, "We're out of order." Or during a World Cup soccer game and the fans have one too many to drink and start getting rowdy, they get "Out of Order."
When the Out of Order sign pops up on a urinal, what does that mean?? Am I ordering water from the pipes??? Has the order of events been misplaced, hence I can't flush and thus, things are out of order? Hrm....curious isn't it?

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Is the cup half full or half empty? Last year, before our company shut down, I applied for a different position within the company. The hiring manager called me that very same day wanting to talk to me...but wanted consent from my current manager first. Today, my manager comes by and denies me this opportunity.

In a way, it's a good thing. It shows I'm doing a great job here and I'm wanted. But in another way, I feel locked down. Like someone pulled the carpet from underneath my feet and I can't do anything about it. All part of growing up I guess....

Monday, January 02, 2006

Ok....I cried too....

Is it okay to say that SoChi looked gorgeous? Cuz she really did!!! And I will add that Ken looked (to no surprise) amazingly handsome!! Just three months ago, we were in their shoes. But this time it was soooo much more relaxing.

Such a beautiful wedding. From the first note of Pastor Alan's the exchange of Tall Ken's solo!! His solo was soooooo full of love and so touching, tears found it's way out of my 20/20 eyes. Whoever has the wedding recording, I want a copy of it!!!!

Praise God for his miracle of sunshine. The weather reported thunderstorms, showers and wind...but we were so ever blessed by his warm presence. How amazing!!!

And thank you Simon, my buddy and my mentor. For leading me through the entire day. Had a great time working along your side....only next time, we can try to coordinate our suits. Hrmm.......

If we haven't said it enough yet, "Congratulations SoChi and Ken!!!!"